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I am very excited to be supporting one of the world’s most visionary efforts to seek basic answers to some of the fundamental question about our universe and what other civilisations may exist elsewhere.  (Basic Quotes) Human rights commissions, as they are evolving, are an attack on our fundamental freedoms and the basic existence of a democratic society... It is in fact totalitarianism. I find this is very scary stuff.  (Basic Quotes) In the early centuries of Islam, the great schools of Islamic jurisprudence were built upon the above principles. Basic to all their legal systems they developed the doctrine that liberty is the fundamental basis of law.  (Basic Quotes) There will always be people treated badly, which I feel is basic human nature and difficult to eliminate.  (Basic Quotes) When I look back at my childhood on the Ayrshire coast, I recall a basic devotion to the idea that human nature and national character are as unknowable as the weather’s rationale.  (Basic Quotes) It’s one of the most basic laws of human nature, isn’t it? The more we are denied something, the more we want it. The more silence given to this or that topic, the more power.  (Basic Quotes) Doing things like playing music, something that’s so natural and basic to human function, running around in nature, eating delicious food. These things are intrinsic in basic, primordial to human beings, so that’s sort of a way to return to a blank canvas, allowing my true personality to return.  (Basic Quotes) There are people who believe in the basic goodness of human nature. I believe in the basic evil of human nature. ~ Aarush Kashyap  (Basic Quotes) I have seen that technology has contributed to improved communication, that it’s contributed to better health care, that it’s contributed to better food supplies, that it has contributed to all the basic human needs.  (Basic Quotes) It’s a bit counter-intuitive to think about the future in terms of the past. But...I’ve learned an important trick: to develop foresight, you need to practice hindsight. Technologies, cultures, and climates may change, but our basic human needs and desires - to survive, to care for our families, and to lead happy, purposeful lives - remain the same.’ p 5  (Basic Quotes) No marketplace, free or otherwise, is good when it fails to consider the basic human state of needs at every stage of life.  (Basic Quotes) In a system which denies the existence of basic human rights, fear tends to be the order of the day. The only real prison is fear, and the only real freedom is freedom from fear. Never let fear prevent you from doing right.  (Basic Quotes) The challenging of repression by a new generation of activists - from Malala Yousafzai to Pussy Riot - across the globe reminded us how many women are still fighting for basic human rights. Our great-grandmothers’ struggle in all its shocking detail seemed so relevant.  (Basic Quotes) I have great confidence in Taiwan’s democracy. I have great confidence in the universal value and in basic human rights, and I have great confidence that referenda will eventually take root and become part of our daily lives in Taiwan.  (Basic Quotes) Patent monopoly creates a lot of problems. It allows the patentee to charge the maximum to consumers. This may not be a problem if the patented product is a luxury item, like parts that go into a smartphone, but can violate basic human rights if it involves things such as life-saving drugs.  (Basic Quotes) Our constitution should be inspired by the philosophy of the Koran with principles that are set in stone and not open to the whims of individual judges, as is the case now. In particular, the constitution should protect every citizen’s basic human rights regardless of their sex, status or sect. Everyone should be equal before the law.  (Basic Quotes) The world is a challenging place in terms of wars and peace, basic human rights and freedoms. The Holy Father has a major role to play in global affairs. The pope is more than a spiritual leader. For the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics, he is an inspiration of holiness and goodness and, above all, the faithful proclamation of the Gospel.  (Basic Quotes) Ironically, to my children, bedtime is a punishment that violates their basic rights as human beings.  (Basic Quotes) My parents are big liberals and taught us to never trust a government that rids their people of basic human rights.  (Basic Quotes) Technology will never last if it ignores human beings’ basic instinct to express and discover through expression.  (Basic Quotes) Improv requires one thing I lack that I think most mothers need - the basic instinct to put someone else first.  (Basic Quotes) I find that whoever you are as a person is how you’re gonna fight, and every basic instinct kind of comes out at that moment.  (Basic Quotes) His (the theologian) basic instinct of self preservation forbids him to respect reality at any point or even to let it get a word in.  (Basic Quotes) Envy, jealousy, revenge and negativity are some of the basic instinct of women. They cannot help it. We prefer negative thoughts at first place due to the feeling of insecurity.  (Basic Quotes) With women, there’s a basic female instinct of caring deeply about the way they look; women stars have a narcissist complex.  (Basic Quotes) Being in a multicultural environment in childhood is going to give you intuition, reflexes and instincts. You may acquire basic responsiveness later on, but it’s never going to be as spontaneous as when you have been bathing in this environment during childhood.  (Basic Quotes) Dating Game’ wasn’t social commentary, political analysis, Shakespearean-level drama or even blunt-force comedy. It was just the televised equivalent of meeting someone at a bar. But it appealed to our most basic Darwinian instinct: selecting a good mate. You can’t go wrong when a show’s premise is hard-wired into human DNA.  (Basic Quotes) Women are smarter by basic instinct and by what we have to do to multitask at home and at work. My mother did that 50 years ago, but it wasn’t called multitasking or stress back then. She had a job, two kids and the meals to make with no cook or maid. My father would come home every day and expect lunch. He was a nice guy, but he was clueless!  (Basic Quotes) Reciprocity is a deep instinct; it is the basic currency of social life  (Basic Quotes) The desire to get married is a basic and primal instinct in women. It’s followed by another basic and primal instinct: the desire to be single again.  (Basic Quotes)
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