Basic Quotes
Text Quotes
I am not versed in production software. I have basic knowledge, but it ends there. (Basic Quotes)
Basic research is to work at the very edge, the very border of, of knowledge, and move that border forward. You look and look for new secrets, and you don’t know where it’s going to lead you. (Basic Quotes)
At a family’s most difficult time, I want to make sure at a minimum that they have the very basic of comforts: the ability to grieve their loss privately and the knowledge that their country is grateful for their loved one’s sacrifice and service. (Basic Quotes)
Computation, storage, and communications capacity are in the hands of practically every connected person - and these are the basic physical capital means necessary for producing information, knowledge and culture, in the hands of something like 600 million to a billion people around the planet. (Basic Quotes)
For years I’ve wanted to write about the Australian countryside, but, like most Australians, I’ve only got a tourist’s knowledge of it. I thought that if I disobeyed that basic rule of writing - write about what you know - I’d write a thin and inauthentic book. (Basic Quotes)
We say knowledge is the basic foundation of the universe. Everything is first based on something being known. (Basic Quotes)
The basic economic resource - the means of production - is no longer capital, nor natural resources, nor labor. It is and will be knowledge. (Basic Quotes)
No one that ever lived has ever had enough power, prestige, or knowledge to overcome the basic condition of all life - you win some and you lose some. (Basic Quotes)
The thing is, autism is a big spectrum. Going from folks who remain nonverbal, all the way up to, ya know, famous scientists and musicians. And we’ve got to work on strengths. We also have to work on teaching basic manners and skills. (Basic Quotes)
The basic nature of all conscious beings is ‘self-existing wakefulness’ (Basic Quotes)
The urge to dominion is God-given and is basic to the nature of man. An aspect of this dominion is property. (Basic Quotes)
Physics is the most basic part of science and, of course, math. It gives you insight into everything - a foundation, I should say, to understand nature and the universe. (Basic Quotes)
Shambhala teachings say we all have the potential to accomplish our enlightened nature - our basic goodness. (Basic Quotes)
Nature is with us if we can learn how to align with it and not break the basic laws that generate life. (Basic Quotes)
Far from being accidental details, the properties of nature’s basic building blocks are deeply entwined with the fabric of space and time. (Basic Quotes)
It is the basic, metaphysical fact of man’s nature -- the connection between his survival and his use of reason -- that capitalism recognizes and protects. (Basic Quotes)
Relief organizations both large and small are coordinating deliveries of food, clothing, water, and other basic necessities to those impacted by Katrina. (Basic Quotes)
Parenting goes beyond providing foods, shelter, clothing, and other basic necessities. Nurturing a child to travel in the direction of positive enlightenment, is arguably the greatest thing that you could do for a child. (Basic Quotes)
Of course, we all need to have basic necessities met, such as good health care, good food, good education and good housing. But what is good? Having too much is bad, as having too little is also bad. (Basic Quotes)
My mother and father took me in and provided everything for me - the love, nurturing, basic necessities - to give me the space to grow wings, so that when I went out into the world, I could fly. (Basic Quotes)
Imagine a country that flies into space, launches Sputniks, creates such a defense system, and it can’t resolve the problem of women’s pantyhose. There’s no toothpaste, no soap powder, not the basic necessities of life. It was incredible and humiliating to work in such a government. (Basic Quotes)
People first concern themselves with meeting their basic needs; only afterwards, do they pursue any higher needs. (Basic Quotes)
The main purpose of Social Security is to redistribute wealth, to make an increasingly large number of Americans dependent on government for their basic needs in their retirement years. (Basic Quotes)
Like all good citizens, the elderly and people with disabilities want to eradicate waste and fraud from government, but helping people with special needs meet their basic needs doesn’t fit this description. (Basic Quotes)
Thirteen thousand dollars a year is not enough to raise a family. That’s not enough to pay your bills and save for their future. That’s barely enough to provide for even the most basic needs. (Basic Quotes)
One of the basic needs of every human being is the need to be loved, to have our wishes and feelings taken seriously, to be validated as people who matter. (Basic Quotes)
It seems to me that our three basic needs, for food and security and love, are so mixed and mingled and entwined that we cannot straightly think of one without the others. (Basic Quotes)
Storytelling has always been at the heart of being human because it serves some of our most basic needs: passing along our traditions, confessing failings, healing wounds, engendering hope, strengthening our sense of community. (Basic Quotes)
For me, the best things in life - meaningful work, meaningful relationships, interesting experiences, good food, sleep, music, ideas, sex, and other basic needs and pleasures - are not, past a certain point, materially improved upon by having a lot of money. (Basic Quotes)
Pay your utilities, gas and other basic needs before paying on your debts (Basic Quotes)