Basic Quotes
Text Quotes
The purpose of our life needs to be positive. We weren’t born with the purpose of causing trouble, harming others. For our life to be of value, I think we must develop basic good human qualities - warmth, kindness, compassion. Then our life becomes meaningful and more peaceful - happier. (Basic Quotes)
I became aware of the very complex internal organization in a cell from the basic science classes, and it made me think about how all that could work. It seemed like a great mystery, especially how organelles in the cell can be arranged in three dimensions, and how thousands of proteins could find their way to the right location in the cells. (Basic Quotes)
At the most basic level, a central bank must be clear and open about its actions and operations, particularly when they involve the deployment of public funds. (Basic Quotes)
If the central contest of the twentieth century has pitted capitalism against socialism, then F. A. Hayek has been its central figure. He helped us to understand why capitalism won by a knockout. It was Hayek who elaborated the basic argument demonstrating that central planning was nothing else but an impoverishing fantasy. (Basic Quotes)
The specifics of Cathy’s and my life are different now, but the basic life challenges are exactly the same. (Basic Quotes)
The women’s movement is just a symptom of basic changes in the economy that are favoring women (Basic Quotes)
Debating, doubting, or rejecting the basic scientific facts about climate change in the face of the overwhelming evidence and overwhelming scientific opinion will not change those facts. (Basic Quotes)
Most of the big banks were shot through with short-termism, deceptive practices and self-dealing. We must institute basic changes in corporate governance and in management practice to restore responsibility and honesty for the sake of the economy and for the self-respect of the country. (Basic Quotes)
I don’t think journalism changes. It’s about digging into stories and telling them well. The basic tenets of great reporting stay the same while things around it change. Technology has made reporting easier, but it has also caused job loss. Social media has increased discussion around topics, but it has its own challenges at times. (Basic Quotes)
The companies that can afford to do basic research (and can’t afford not to) are ones that dominate their markets. ... It’s cheap insurance, since failing to do basic research guarantees that the next major advance will be oened by someone else. (Basic Quotes)
The basic premise of the Constitution was a separation of powers and a system of checks and balances because man was perceived as a fallen creature and would always yearn for more power. (Basic Quotes)
The Safe Drinking Water Act, the safety provisions of the Clean Water Acts, the Clean Air Act, the Superfund Law - the gas industry is exempt from all these basic environmental and worker protections. They don’t have to disclose the chemicals they use. They don’t have to play by the same rules as anybody else. (Basic Quotes)
As Harry Blackmun said when he wrote Roe v. Wade, `Once a child is born, the child has basic constitutional rights: due process, equal protection of the laws.’ (Basic Quotes)
If we cannot end now our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity. For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children’s future. And we are all mortal.[Commencement Address at American University, June 10 1963] (Basic Quotes)
There are four basic food groups: plain chocolate, milk chocolate, dark chocolate, and white chocolate. (Basic Quotes)
Every individual should have both the right to join a union and the right to not join a union should they so choose. It’s about basic human freedom. (Basic Quotes)
Feminism’s agenda is basic: It asks that women not be forced to choose between public justice and private happiness. (Basic Quotes)
It is very hard not to see extensive and basic similarities between these (Pagan) religions and the Christian Religion. But somehow Christian scholars have managed not to see it, and this, one must suspect, for dogmatic reasons. (Basic Quotes)
The notion that there is no basic value system is far more incoherent or invalid than the notion that there are essential values. Every religion can tell you it has basic values. You ask a Christian, most Christians would say love God and love your neighbor. Is that the entirety of Christianity? No one in his right mind would say it is. (Basic Quotes)
I believe in the separation of church and state, absolutely. But I don’t believe in the separation of public life from our values, our basic values, and for many of us, our religious values. (Basic Quotes)
The challenge for the church is how do we have unity about basic beliefs and yet respect individual differences. (Basic Quotes)
On July 2, 1964, President Johnson signed into law the Civil Rights Act. Its enactment, following the longest continuous debate in the history of the U.S. Senate, enshrined into law the basic principle upon which our country was founded - that all people are created equal. (Basic Quotes)
Had Elizabeth Bennet known how wildly Darcy’s heart beat for her, ‘Pride and Prejudice’ would barely have made it into a short story. Their torturously slow-burning romance is a classic example of how men and women still struggle to communicate the most basic of emotions. (Basic Quotes)
Your basic physical makeup does influence the parts you’re offered. If you’re big, they cast you either dumb or tough, although there are exceptions. Clint Eastwood and James Arness carved out niches for themselves in Westerns. I just hope I won’t be faced with doing ‘Li’l Abner’ in dinner theater for the rest of my career. (Basic Quotes)
In 2000, when my partner Ben Horowitz was CEO of the first cloud computing company, Loudcloud, the cost of a customer running a basic Internet application was approximately $150,000 a month. (Basic Quotes)
The question we all face is what sort of culture we will live in for the rest of our lives and then hand on to the next generation - one that embraces these most basic of values, or one that collapses because of their absence. (Basic Quotes)
Segregation or separation is thus a basic principle of Biblical Law with respect to religion and morality. Every attempt to destroy this principle is an effort to reduce society to its lowest common denominator. (Basic Quotes)
Securing for gays and lesbians the basic right to have their relationships and families recognized as part of a community makes all of our communities stronger. (Basic Quotes)
The basic technical protocols that have enabled the Internet to work in such a globally interconnected way are developed and shared openly by a community of engineers. (Basic Quotes)
I would like to promote the concept of a partnership of insurance companies, physicians and hospitals in deploying a basic framework for an electronic medical records system that is affordable. (Basic Quotes)