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The promises of Fidel Castro’s so-called revolution of pluralism and democracy, were and continue to be a false promise and a betrayal of all basic human rights. (Basic Quotes)
The reason societies with democratic governments are better places to live in than their alternatives isn’t because of some goodness intrinsic to democracy, but because its hopeless inefficiency helps blunt the basic potential for evil. (Basic Quotes)
One of the challenges of a democratic government is making sure that even in the midst of emergencies and passions, we make sure that rule of law and the basic precepts of justice and liberty prevail. (Basic Quotes)
Terrorism takes us back to ages we thought were long gone if we allow it a free hand to corrupt democratic societies and destroy the basic rules of international life. (Basic Quotes)
At its most basic the democratic contract is a simple one: the right to vote comes with a responsibility to society, through tax payments and citizenship. (Basic Quotes)
Over the long haul, many of those people [in a difficult marriage] will begin to reciprocate, because you are meeting a basic need in their life, the need for love, and they know they don’t deserve love many times. (Basic Quotes)
The K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple, Stupid) principle was pounded into my head in school and I still follow it today in most of my designs. I know that my most successful efforts are the simplest. I always find myself trying to subtract detail from design concepts in an attempt to distill the idea down to the most basic communication tool. (Basic Quotes)
It is my fundamental belief that all human beings share the same basic aspirations: that we all want hapiness and that we all share suffering. Asians, just like Americans, Europeans, and the rest of the world, share a desire to live life to its fullest, to better ourselves and the lives of our loved ones. (Basic Quotes)
Our basic objective will be the destruction of Israel. The Arab people want to fight. (Basic Quotes)
In the developing world, people often use quite basic technology. Many of the most imaginative schemes are using what we’d count as old tech. (Basic Quotes)
I don’t feel there’s a difference between the real world and the fairy-tale world. They contain psychological truths and, I guess, projections of what the culture that tells them thinks about various things: men, women, aging, dying - the most basic aspects of being human. (Basic Quotes)
I think in the end there are only 20 or 30 tenets of basic cooking. It’s going at perhaps the same issue from different angles, from different points of view, from different presentation styles, that really makes things sink in and become embedded. (Basic Quotes)
There are stories of Maui everywhere in the South Pacific. They’re different. Different areas have different interpretations. But and so we [with John Musker] fashioned, that was kind of the inspiration and we came up with a very simple basic storyline, focusing on Maui. (Basic Quotes)
We’re all living in different states and we all have different systems within those states. Even on the most basic personal level, it affects me. (Basic Quotes)
It used to be that we disagreed over the basic facts we were fighting over, and we had different opinions about them. Now I think we accept different sources of authority. ... And people can establish credibility on their own say-so as long as nobody follows the trail and calls them out on it. (Basic Quotes)
I can’t write in a whole lot of different styles, trying to please the highbrows one time and the lowbrows the next. I pretty much have a basic style I employ. (Basic Quotes)
...a major triumph of mathematical imagination: the use of visual imagery to condense a large quantity of information into a single comprehensible picture... Mathematicians are just beginning to understand these basic building blocks of change and to analyze how they combine. The methodology involved has a very different spirit from traditional modeling with differential equations: it is more like chemistry than calculus, requiring careful counterpoint between analysis and synthesis. (Basic Quotes)
It’s a difficult task to deal with cities. But with some original ways of getting things done, with some basic commandments, you can really get cities to be a great, great place to live. (Basic Quotes)
Opera combines pretty basic theater and poetry, but the storyline itself is actually quite poetic and, after some digital research, taking that actual content and seeing it as undeniably poetic. (Basic Quotes)
Digital content and electronic networks have changed the basic environmental conditionsin which documents are created, distributed, and used. (Basic Quotes)
It is so basic as to be mundane, but in disaster relief, all the good will in the world can go to hell in a hand basket if the logistics don’t work. In Ethiopia at the best of times, the logistics are difficult. It is a huge country - about the same size as Texas, New Mexico and Oklahoma combined. It is also a transportation nightmare. (Basic Quotes)
Insects are major players in nature’s recycling effort, and in nature a corpse is simply organic matter to be recycled. Left to its own devices, nature quickly populates a corpse with a diverse community of organisms, all dedicated to reducing the body to its basic components. (Basic Quotes)
Through the Savior’s Atonement and by following these basic patterns of faithfulness, we receive power from on high to face the challenges of life. We need this divine power today more than ever. (Basic Quotes)
To me the Nobel Peace laureates should not be hosted by a State Department that is continuing with war, removing basic civil liberties and human rights and international law and then talking about peace to young people. That’s a double standard. (Basic Quotes)
Graphomania (a mania for writing books) inevitably takes on epidemic proportions when a society develops to the point of creating three basic conditions: -(1) an elevated level of general well being which allows people to devote themselves to useless activities(2) a high degree of social atomization and , as a consequence, a general isolation of individuals;(3) the absence of dramatic social changes in the nation’s internal life. (Basic Quotes)
Isolated and unincorporated, North Gulfport lacked a basic infrastructure: flooding and contaminated drinking water were frequent problems. Although finally incorporated in 1994 - not long after the arrival of the first casino - many of North Gulfport’s streets still lack curbs, sidewalks, and gutters. (Basic Quotes)
I love to talk about the drums and music. I started playing drums when I was probably six and played a lot until I was about ten or eleven years old. So, I guess five or six years where I played. I had a drum set at home, and I would just bang on it. I’d even go on the Internet and study basic beats and so forth. (Basic Quotes)
It’s basic due diligence to make sure that whenever a foreign entity acquires a controlling interest in a U.S. company that national security isn’t threatened. (Basic Quotes)
Left to their own devices, epidemic diseases tend to follow the same basic process: A virus or bacteria infects a host, who typically becomes sick and in many cases dies. Along the way, the host infects others. (Basic Quotes)
The idea that human beings have changed and are changing the basic climate system of the Earth through their industrial activities and burning of fossil fuels - the essence of the Greens’ theory of global warming - has about as much basis in science as Marxism and Freudianism. (Basic Quotes)