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Carbon tax has the advantage of basically being able to subsidize one set of activities that you want with another set of activities that you don’t want. It’s like a cigarette tax.  (Basically Quotes) Every once in awhile I like to play dark ladies, crazy ladies, but most often I look for characters that are strong, intelligent, caring - usually earth women, because that’s basically how I see myself.  (Basically Quotes) This is a government takeover of our healthcare system. It is the government basically running the entire healthcare system, turning large insurers into de facto public utilities, depriving people of choice, depriving people of options, raising people’s prices, raising taxes when we need new jobs.  (Basically Quotes) I don’t really write journals and stuff and then adapt them to music, it’s completely within the form of the song. My great obsession and basically the bane of my existence is caring probably too much about every word, but it’s too late to change my career path.  (Basically Quotes) Basically, we’ve grown up very focused on the institution. The institution tells me what to do. It tells me where to go. It tells me what my career path is, and then I, sort of, attach my own personal desires, my own personal interests. I think we’re living in a time where we’re going to have to change - to put people in the center.  (Basically Quotes) What’s so crazy is when you give interviews to reporters that don’t really care too much for you, basically what they’re going to do is write what they want to write and discredit you. They’re going to write and say what they want to say, no matter what you tell them.  (Basically Quotes) What they call ‘alt-comedy’ now is basically what comedy was like in the 80s. People tried different things, and everybody went to the clubs; there was no other place. Then somehow, the clubs became infiltrated by Dice Clay and Carrot Top types.  (Basically Quotes) There was one theory put forth by a journalist recently. I have a lot of friends that have died prematurely and a lot of friends that have died of natural causes. I’ve lost a lot of people over the years. This journalist basically recommended to me that God keeps me around because I amuse him.  (Basically Quotes) I had a few friends who we hung out with and that was it. We’d ride together, get in fights, go dancing, just causing trouble basically.  (Basically Quotes) I like being the center of attention. I want to be in the limelight, basically.  (Basically Quotes) Writing talent is similar to the art of chatting up a girl. You can improve to a certain degree through practice, but basically you are either born with it or you aren’t.  (Basically Quotes) There are certain things about me that I will never tell to anyone because I am a very private person. But basically, what you see is who I am. I’m independent, I do like to be liked, I do look for the good side of life and people. I’m positive, I’m disciplined, I like my life in order, and I’m neat as a pin.  (Basically Quotes) I basically look at how exponential emerging technological changes runs counter-intuitive to the way our linear brains make projections about change, and so we don’t realize how fast the future is coming.  (Basically Quotes) When I came into the CEO office, I basically changed the entire management team. We knew that we had to change the company, so we needed a new set of leaders.  (Basically Quotes) I’m not trying to change an image, I’m just trying to make sure that the facts match the image. The facts are basically that I’m a builder. I have not dissembled any company nor split up any companies, nor do I ever buy any companies with that intent.  (Basically Quotes) Basically that was the moment when I thought I’d like to do this forever. I never changed my mind.  (Basically Quotes) What I do, basically, is look at things from different angles. That is what I do on stage comedically, and that is what I do in art. I was always fascinated by the structure of things, why things work this way and not that way. So I like to see how things behave if you change the point of view.  (Basically Quotes) My job is to play chess, the game that I love. I achieve what I can in chess. That is what I focus on. Basically, I am always focused on playing the game, and this is important to me.  (Basically Quotes) I say, ‘I write romance, women’s fiction, chick lit.’ I think it all fits very comfortably under the same umbrella. Basically, I write books for women - books about relationships: books that make you laugh and sometimes make you cry a little.  (Basically Quotes) I think you basically have to abandon the dreams of having any other adult activities in your life. You have to go to sleep whenever your child goes to sleep.  (Basically Quotes) I work, and then whenever I have any other time, I’m with my daughter, and then I go to sleep. I think you basically have to abandon the dreams of having any other adult activities in your life. You have to go to sleep whenever your child goes to sleep. That’s basically how we’re doing it.  (Basically Quotes) Basically the children who watch it just see the little characters they love, and so they’re not discerning about whether it looks great or it’s a great story or anything.  (Basically Quotes) I’m basically a poetry scholar, and I’m happier here in my studio with my row of Chinese dictionaries than I am, frankly, at Lincoln Center.  (Basically Quotes) Divine life is basically the inner freedom to choose the right and the good spontaneously  (Basically Quotes) As far as stand-ups go, I always loved Richard Pryor, Chris Rock, and Sinbad. Basically, I love black comedians because they’re the funniest. I wish I were a black comedian, actually.  (Basically Quotes) Redemption basically is about holistic health, if you want to translate it into modern parlance. What I suggest - based on the Christian tradition but not often preached - is that you can’t enter into the fullness of the Pascal mystery of the redemption unless there is a radical transformation of motivation within you.  (Basically Quotes) Morals, principles and laws are when faith is reduced to standards and those standards basically just bind us, and we become prejudicial, racist, self-serving when we’re guided by these laws... When a developed country uses Christianity in its policies, in government, in maintaining corporate wealth, that’s a bastardized rendering of a faith.  (Basically Quotes) Trap Lord’ is basically the writer of the hood. It’s the kid that’s from the hood, from the trap, who’s going to preach to his friends and his homies. Because they’re not going to sit in no church. So they listen to me instead of going to a church, because I understand them, and that’s really what the ‘Hood Pope’ is.  (Basically Quotes) Big money buys access in Washington, and access purchases influence. It is as simple as that. And they have basically given a green light, a further green light, after Citizens United, to the biggest money to have the bigger voice in our politics, and to sound out and drown out the voice of just ordinary citizens.  (Basically Quotes) I just think cities are unnatural, basically. I know there are people who live happily in them, and I have cities that I love, too. But it’s a disaster that we have moved so far from nature.  (Basically Quotes)
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