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Basis Quotes

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As an economics undergraduate, I also worked on a part-time basis in Cambridge, Massachusetts, for a company that was advising customers about portfolio decisions, writing reports  (Basis Quotes) I have great satisfaction in stating that our relations with France, Russia, and other powers continue on the most friendly basis  (Basis Quotes) Anytime you deny the acknowledgement of God you are undermining the entire basis for which our country exists  (Basis Quotes) The whole basis of the Constitution was a restriction of power, and the whole basis of the federalist system was that there was not one sovereign centralized power from which all authority flows  (Basis Quotes) Dialogue is the basis of Indian culture, and we don’t want to make any enemies. Political and ideological adversaries, perhaps, but not enemies  (Basis Quotes) Interethnic and spiritual accord is our strategic resource, the basis for progress of our society and state  (Basis Quotes) I’m not interested at all in playing more than 12, 15 tournaments a year on an annual basis because like all the old guys out here on this Tour, we’ve played golf for nearly 30 years of our lives  (Basis Quotes) I’m no lady; I’m a member of Congress, and I’ll proceed on that basis  (Basis Quotes) The Japanese chose the principle of eternal peace as the basis of morality for our rebirth after the War  (Basis Quotes) The basis of tragedy is man’s helplessness against disease, war and death; the basis of comedy is man’s helplessness against vanity (the vanity of love, greed, lust, power)  (Basis Quotes) I will continue to distribute blankets, sleeping bags, warm clothing and food on a regular basis, in the hope that my modest efforts will give some comfort to those people we are able help  (Basis Quotes) The Patriot Act allows and provides a basis for an exchange of information  (Basis Quotes) The Palestinian Authority refuses on an ongoing basis to take the necessary steps to prevent terrorists from getting into Israel  (Basis Quotes) The Russian people get so insanely close to each other as friends. Their lives are interrelated so much on an everyday basis  (Basis Quotes) It’s unfortunate. Title IX is rather simple: don’t discriminate on the basis of sex  (Basis Quotes) The attack on Clinton on terrorism is entirely politically inspired by the right-wing of the Republicans, and has no basis in fact whatsoever  (Basis Quotes) We have a government of limited power under the Constitution, and we have got to work out our problems on the basis of law  (Basis Quotes) Publishing a protocol under the name Atom that tries to capture all of the prior art in this stage and might provide a good basis for winding down the syndication wars  (Basis Quotes) Even though I had pushed through the Tango album, it was just not a very good environment to be in on a daily basis. In many ways, this is the best time of my life  (Basis Quotes) I am stopping so I can be a full-time father to my two young sons on a daily basis  (Basis Quotes) If you don’t have a basis on which to make the choice, then you don’t have a style at all. You have a series of accidents  (Basis Quotes) I am very conscious on a daily basis of how extraordinarily blessed I am to get to do what I do and work with the people that I work with, so I make a practice of being grateful  (Basis Quotes) You can’t create a successful politics of support for public education on the basis of asking voters not to care about skills, and tests that measure skills, at all  (Basis Quotes) I myself happen to find, on the basis of experience and nothing else, that photography can be a high art  (Basis Quotes) I do respect the political process and those that cover politics on a regular basis. It’s just not for me  (Basis Quotes) It seems the only way to write a half decent book is to worry oneself sick on an hourly basis that one is producing a complete disaster  (Basis Quotes) I stand in my own way on a daily basis. I don’t know if this is something I will ever overcome completely, and I’m oddly okay with that  (Basis Quotes) Social media is the basis of my career. Since I was a kid I’ve always used the Internet as a space to express myself creatively  (Basis Quotes) Spending time with the child or adolescent in mutually enjoyable activities on a regular basis will help to build warmth and trust  (Basis Quotes) My husband and my children inspire me on a daily basis to be the best wife, mom, and woman I can be  (Basis Quotes)
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