Battle And War Quotes

Text Quotes
The heroes of Flight 93 won the first battle in the War on Terror, and they should never be forgotten. (Battle And War Quotes)
Peace is something very dear. If you’ve been through wars and operations and battles, you want peace. (Battle And War Quotes)
Every social war is a battle between the very few on both sides who care and who fire their shots across a crowd of spectators (Battle And War Quotes)
In a war, no matter the outcome of a certain skirmish or battle, the winner is the party whose attitudes, behaviors and preoccupations come to dominate the postwar landscape. By this measure, the outcome of the gender wars, if wars they were, is clear: women won (Battle And War Quotes)
Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up (Battle And War Quotes)
Thus it is that in war the victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory (Battle And War Quotes)
The critical importance of honest journalism and a free flowing, respectful national conversation needs to be had in our country. But it is being buried as collateral damage in a war whose battles include political correctness and ideological orthodoxy (Battle And War Quotes)
The mother's battle for her child with sickness, with poverty, with war, with all the forces of exploitation and callousness that cheapen human life needs to become a common human battle, waged in love and in the passion for survival (Battle And War Quotes)
And therefore those skilled in war bring the enemy to the field of battle and are not brought there by him (Battle And War Quotes)
The best battle is the battle that is never fought. The best war is the war that is won without a battle (Battle And War Quotes)
It was a defeat, resorting to crude threats in a game of subtlety, but sometimes one must sacrifice a battle to win the war (Battle And War Quotes)
Most books, after all, are ephemeral; their specifics, several years later, inspire about as much interest as daily battle reports from the Hundred Years' War (Battle And War Quotes)
Actually, your past successes are your biggest obstacle: every battle, every war, is different, and you cannot assume that what worked before will work today (Battle And War Quotes)
War consisteth not in battle only, or the act of fighting; but in a tract of time, wherein the will to contend by battle is sufficiently known (Battle And War Quotes)
All you have the right to ask of life is to choose a battle in this war, make the best you can, and leave the field with honor (Battle And War Quotes)
Life is war, and marriage provides us with a close and intimate ally with whom we may wage this war. The battle requires bold love, forgiveness, confrontation, and repentance (Battle And War Quotes)