Battle Quotes

Text Quotes
A silkworm was struggling out of the cocoon and an ignorant man saw it battling as if in pain, so he went and helped it to get free, but very soon after it fluttered and died. The other silkworms that struggled out without help suffered, but they came out into full life and beauty, with wings made strong for flight by their battle for fresh existence (Battle Quotes)
There are men who bloom in chaos. You call them heroes or villains, depending on which side wins the war, but until the battle call they are but normal men who long for action, who lust for the opportunity to throw off the routine of their normal lives like a cocoon and come into their own. They sense a destiny larger than themselves, but only when structures collapse around them do these men become warriors (Battle Quotes)
I have won many trophies in my time, but nothing will ever top helping win the battle for peace in my country (Battle Quotes)
Western governments... will lose the war against dealers unless efforts are switched to prevention and therapy... All penalties for drug users should be dropped... Making drug abuse a crime is useless and even dangerous... Every year we seize more and more drugs and arrest more and more dealers but at the same time the quantity available in our countries still increases... Police are losing the drug battle worldwide (Battle Quotes)
The computer programmer is a creator of universes for which he alone is the lawgiver. No playwright, no stage director, no emperor, however powerful, has ever exercised such absolute authority to arrange a stage or field of battle and to command such unswervingly dutiful actors or troops (Battle Quotes)
War buddies don’t exist in the meeting room. It’s a battle between a lot of different officers. Some continue fighting when they don’t realize that they have been shot (Battle Quotes)
When you fight, you don’t fight for abstract values like the flag, or the nation, or democracy. You fight for your buddy. You fight to keep him alive, and he fights to keep you alive, and you go on that way, day after day, battle after battle. And when one of your buddies dies, something inside you dies as well. But you go on. You fight, so that his death isn’t meaningless, his sacrifice isn’t for nothing (Battle Quotes)
All crises begin with the blurring of a paradigm and the consequent loosening of the rules for normal research... Or finally, the case that will most concern us here, a crisis may end with the emergence of a new candidate for paradigm and with the ensuing battle over its acceptance (Battle Quotes)
To love is to battle, to open doors. The world changes if two can look at each other and see (Battle Quotes)
There is a battle that goes on between men and women. Many people call it love (Battle Quotes)
The machine does not teach playing flexibility, does not help in taking account of human facxtors in the battle, and on whole, strictly speaking, it restricts the possibilities for young players (Battle Quotes)
Men, you are in a battle. You are in a war. The stakes of this war and its casualties are higher than a checkmark in the win or loss column. Lives will be lost. Eternities will be shaped. Destinies will either be discovered or dismissed. Dreams will be attained or relinquished (Battle Quotes)
The only thing that helps you win the game is preparation and getting your mind ready to go to battle. That’s what you’ve got to do (Battle Quotes)
I think about how a guy mentally prepared himself to do battle, to go out and face the pitcher. I think so many hitters do not know how to get themselves prepared to play or hit against a pitcher. You have to mentally be prepared to hit against all pitchers (Battle Quotes)
Even in the heat of a middlegame battle the master still has to bear in mind the outlines of a possible future ending (Battle Quotes)
Classical tragedy was the war between good and evil. We wanted evil to be defeated and good to be victorious. But the battle in modern tragedy is between good and good. And no matter which side wins, we’ll still be heartbroken (Battle Quotes)
Before our eyes is fought a battle of symbols... for there can be theatre only from the moment when the impossible really begins and when the poetry that occurs on the stage sustains and superheats the realized symbols (Battle Quotes)
Brain tumor survivors: don’t become hopelessly discouraged if you are experiencing deficits. You in a war and you are bound to have a few battle wounds (Battle Quotes)
The socialist parties of all countries are duty bound to fight energetically for the implementation of universal women’s suffrage which is to be vigorously advocated both by agitation and by parliamentary means. When a battle for suffrage is conducted, it should only be conducted according to socialist principles, and therefore with the demand of universal suffrage for women and men (Battle Quotes)
Certainly the soda companies, the junk food companies fought hard against this and today’s agreement doesn’t mean the battle is over, we still have to pass this bill (Battle Quotes)
We’re a strange animal, so often destroying what we love for selfish ends, and yet tantalized by the sense that there are other choices if only we had strength to make them. In the politics of 400 years ago, we find the same questions we battle with today (Battle Quotes)
A bird painted not with beauty but with all the dirt and wounds collected in a long hard life, in battle, in love, with torn feathers and a busted leg and a chipped beak and one of its eyes half closed; and yet a bird of deeper loveliness for all of that (Battle Quotes)
It was a defeat, resorting to crude threats in a game of subtlety, but sometimes one must sacrifice a battle to win the war (Battle Quotes)
Watch for a wild boy of no particular clan, ready for anything, always armed. Prefers fighting to toil, drink to fighting, chasing women to booze or battle: may attempt all three concurrently (Battle Quotes)
In a physical contest on the field of battle it is allowable to use tactics and strategy, to retreat as well as advance, to have recourse to a ruse as well as open attack; but in matters of principle there can be no tactics, there is one straight forward course to follow and that course must be found and followed without swerving to the end (Battle Quotes)
Fear was the terrible secret of the battlefield and could afflict the brave as well as the timid. Worse it was contagious, and could destroy a unit before a battle even began. Because of that, commanders were first and foremost in the fear suppression business (Battle Quotes)
Environmentalists and secular humanists insist that humans will destroy the planet. Corporate capitalists and many religious fundamentalists have no regard for wildlife and nature. Ultimately, this dualistic battle is based on false premises. In fact, this planet is more powerful than the human species (Battle Quotes)
The battle is not to the strong alone. It is to the vigilant, the active, and the brave. A small, disciplined militia can not only hold out against a larger force, but drive it back, because what they’re fighting for rightfully belongs to them (Battle Quotes)
In life, it is never the big battle, the big moment, the big speech, the big election. That does not change things. What changes things is every day, getting up and rendering small acts of service and love beyond that what’s expected of you or required of you (Battle Quotes)
We should never shy away from the challenges that face us out of fear of failure or an unwillingness to battle the odds. We should confront our problems head on and make no excuses (Battle Quotes)