Battle Quotes

Text Quotes
My life should be unique; it should be an alms, a battle, a conquest, a medicine (Battle Quotes)
Because no battle is ever won he said. They are not even fought. The field only reveals to man his own folly and despair, and victory is an illusion of philosophers and fools (Battle Quotes)
What does drunkenness not accomplish? It unlocks secrets, confirms our hopes, urges the indolent into battle, lifts the burden from anxious minds, teaches new arts (Battle Quotes)
The fundamental principle is that no battle, combat, or skirmish is to be fought unless it will be won (Battle Quotes)
Philosophy is a bully that talks loud when the danger is at a distant; but, the moment she is pressed hard by an enemy, she is nowhere to be found and leaves the brunt of the battle to be fought by her steady, humble comrade, religion (Battle Quotes)
A little neglect may breed great mischief... For want of a nail, the shoe was lost; for want of a shoe, the horse was lost; for want of a horse, the battle was lost; for want of the battle, the war was lost (Battle Quotes)
Let us remember, when we are inclined to be disheartened, that the private soldier is a poor judge of the fortunes of a great battle (Battle Quotes)
In battle, you forgive a man anything except an unwillingness to take risks. Sometimes you have to put it on the line (Battle Quotes)
I see the church as a field hospital after battle. It is useless to ask a seriously injured person if he has high cholesterol and about the level of his blood sugars. You have to heal his wounds. Then we can talk about everything else (Battle Quotes)
The biggest battle for a lot of people who come out of the theater, which is where I was trained, is that they can never forget that a camera is pointed at them (Battle Quotes)
The battle for freedom and liberty really never is over, and there are really low points in it, but I’m not giving up, and I’m not gonna engage in phony pep talks, either (Battle Quotes)
I like books that expose me to people unlike me and books that do battle against caricature or simplification. That, to me, is the heroic in fiction (Battle Quotes)
I’m completely in love with the world but also terrified of it. It creates some overwhelming feelings. Wanting to battle out that joy and fear is part of my music (Battle Quotes)
Ireland is a land of poets and legends, of dreamers and rebels. All of these have music woven through and around them. Tunes for dancing or for weeping, for battle or for love (Battle Quotes)
Any fool can fight a winning battle, but it needs character to fight a losing one, and that should inspire us; which reminds me that I dreamed the other night that I was being hanged, but was the life and soul of the party (Battle Quotes)
Their long years together had shown him that it did not so much matter if marriage was a dull duty, as long as it kept the dignity of duty: lapsing from that, it became a mere battle of ugly appetites (Battle Quotes)
What if evil doesn’t really exist? What if evil is something dreamed up by man, and there is nothing to struggle against except out own limitations? The constant battle between our will, our desires, and our choices? (Battle Quotes)
The hardest battle you are ever going to have to fight is the battle to be just you (Battle Quotes)
No army has ever marched into battle thinking that the Creator had sided with their enemy (Battle Quotes)
A little rudeness and disrespect can elevate a meaningless interaction to a battle of wills and add drama to an otherwise dull day (Battle Quotes)
My principle anguish and the source of all my joys and sorrows from my youth onward has been the incessant, merciless battle between the spirit and the flesh (Battle Quotes)
I am like a snake who has already bitten. I retreat from a direct battle while knowing the slow effect of the poison (Battle Quotes)
And I remembered something else that makes us human: faith, the only weapon in our arsenal to battle doubt (Battle Quotes)
Relationships always sounded so physically painful: you fell in love, you broke a heart, you lost your head. Was it any wonder that people came through the experience with battle scars? (Battle Quotes)
It was sad music. But it waved its sadness like a battle flag. It said the universe had done all it could, but you were still alive (Battle Quotes)
I let out a battle cry. Sure, a lot of people might have mistaken it for a sudden yelp of unmanly fear, but trust me. It was a battle cry (Battle Quotes)
A discussion should be a genuine attempt to explore a subject rather than a battle between competing egos (Battle Quotes)
Boldness in battle is nothing out of the way... but to face down fear in cold blood is rare in any man (Battle Quotes)
There comes a turning point in intense physical struggle where one abandons oneself to a profligate usage of strength and bodily resource, ignoring the costs until the struggle is over. Women find this point in childbirth; men in battle (Battle Quotes)
The illusions it had woven for me had taken place only in my head. The battle had been invisible to the naked eye, but the hard ones are (Battle Quotes)