Battle Quotes

Text Quotes
We do two things in life: We race the clock and everything is a struggle. One way or not, it’s a metaphorical battle all of the time. (Battle Quotes)
A short, glorious life in service of a greater good - say, the life of the Spartans at Thermopylae, or the pilots in the Battle of Britain, of whom Winston Churchill said ‘Never have so many owed so much to so few,’ - that is worth praising. But for glory alone? I think not. (Battle Quotes)
There seems to be a sense in the British media that prime ministers enjoy going to war. They do not. The decision to send British soldiers into battle is the worst and most stomach-churning senior politicians have to take. It makes them wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat worrying if they have done the right thing. (Battle Quotes)
Into the Blizzard’ follows the author as he traces the footsteps of the Newfoundland Regiment during the First World War: where they trained in Scotland, where they fought in Gallipoli and where they died at the Battle of the Somme in France. (Battle Quotes)
Nigerian politics has been, since the military dictatorships, largely non-ideological. Rather than a battle of ideas, it is about who can pump in the most money and buy the most access. (Battle Quotes)
We may like to think politics is a battle of ideas and that the best idea wins out. But that’s not true in most elections. Most elections are about the worst ideas losing, not the best ideas winning. (Battle Quotes)
I am not one who, to quote an American author, believes that democracy and enterprise have finally won the battle of ideas - that we have therefore arrived at the end of history, and there is nothing left to fight for. That would be unutterably complacent, indeed foolish. There will always be threats to freedom, not only from frontal assaults, but more insidiously by erosion from within. (Battle Quotes)
When we’ve been bold on the Bank of England, on PFI, on great constitutional change, on the New Deal, we’ve been most successful. So what we have to continue to try and do is to battle with ideas and find new ways of applying those values as the world changes. (Battle Quotes)
Most ideas never happen. It’s an uphill battle against the status quo and our own tendencies. (Battle Quotes)
In a battle between two ideas, the best one doesn’t necessarily win. No, the idea that wins is the one with the most fearless heretic behind it. (Battle Quotes)
It’s very important to me to love what I do. It was important to me to find a career that I truly enjoy. You can find something that sort of excites you, that’s half the battle of life. (Battle Quotes)
The cause of my life has been to oppose superstition. It’s a battle you can’t hope to win - it’s a battle that’s going to go on forever. It’s part of the human condition. (Battle Quotes)
Pakistan’s future viability, stability and security lie in empowering its people and building political institutions. My goal is to prove that the fundamental battle for the hearts and minds of a generation can be accomplished only under democracy. (Battle Quotes)
The whole course of human history may depend on a change of heart in one solitary and even humble individual - for it is in the solitary mind and soul of the individual that the battle between good and evil is waged and ultimately won or lost. (Battle Quotes)
I have battled clinical depression and have come out of the other side. I’ve been free of it for many years now. Finding the place in my own mind and heart to win that battle without using medication, finding the place within myself where I could be alive again, that was one of the biggest challenges I’ve faced. (Battle Quotes)
Its me own battle... and I’m seeing me body take on me mind.... BIG TIME! (Battle Quotes)
The inward battle--against our mind, our wounds, and the residues of the past--is more terrible than outward battle. (Battle Quotes)
I battle to fall asleep at night. My mind races every other night. I have always been like this, for as long as I can reminder. (Battle Quotes)
The battle you are going through is not fueled by the words or actions of others; it is fueled by the mind that gives it importance. (Battle Quotes)
The only thing that helps you win the game is preparation and getting your mind ready to go to battle. That’s what you’ve got to do. (Battle Quotes)
Probably the battle of Waterloo was won on the playing-fields of Eton, but the opening battles of all subsequent wars have been lost there. (Battle Quotes)
My dad is just like everybody else’s dad. I see him as kind of a goofy guy with a great sense of humor. I try to get in a battle of wits with him, but he always gets me. I emulate him because I’ve never seen anyone work as hard as he does. (Battle Quotes)
A lot of my comic influences are distinctly American: Woody Allen and Bob Hope, for example. They were always the underdogs who were using wit to sort of battle their way through. And it seems to me that a lot of contemporary U.S. comedies are shot through with losers. None of the characters in ‘The Big Bang Theory,’ for instance, are studs. (Battle Quotes)
When I battle wits with Jarod Kintz I always feel like I need to take my brain out to give him a transplant. Bad part is we don’t have any. (Battle Quotes)
All the battles and wars I been through, and all the battle scars I got it’s been a learning experience. Everything I been through made me the man I am so if it was different I would be different so I would say that I really learned something from every situation. (Battle Quotes)
It’s the progressive left in this country that has viciously and systematically slimed female conservatives for their beliefs. We have the well-worn battle scars to prove it. (Battle Quotes)
No one is without troubles, without personal hardships and genuine challenges. That fact may not be obvious because most people don’t advertise their woes and heartaches. But nobody, not even the purest heart, escapes life without suffering battle scars. (Battle Quotes)
He is a true casualty of battle. There’s not a physical scar, but look at the man’s heart, and his head, and there are scars galore. (Battle Quotes)
Given the brief - and generally misleading - exposure most people have to mathematics at school, raising the public awareness of mathematics will always be an uphill battle. (Battle Quotes)
Success doesn’t necessarily come from breakthrough innovation but from flawless execution. A great strategy alone won’t win a game or a battle; the win comes from basic blocking and tackling. (Battle Quotes)