Battle Quotes

Text Quotes
You are a fool to speak of last great battles ... for the last great battle is always the next one. (Battle Quotes)
You are a fool to speak of last great battles, Sam, for the last great battle is always the next one. (Battle Quotes)
Something like Deckard Cain is great; it doesn’t ruin your voice. But games that involve violence or battle or mutating and stuff like that really does take a toll on your voice. And I’ve even had to start to go to a voice guru kind of guy to do exercises to try to save and get back some of what I lost. (Battle Quotes)
We draw our strength from the battle. From our greatest conflicts come our greatest victories. (Battle Quotes)
It’s a great battle, and it really is a battle, and there are people from all walks of life, you know, never judge anybody at the table: A man can be the greatest poker player and he might know all the numbers, but he might get beaten by a really savvy kid who works in a grocery store; and that’s what’s so great about this game. (Battle Quotes)
The surprise is half the battle. Many things are half the battle, losing is half the battle. Let’s think about what’s the whole battle. (Battle Quotes)
If you are willing to take the punishment, you’re halfway through the battle. That the issues may be trivial, the battle ugly, is another point. (Battle Quotes)
Any voice where you’ve got to scream over a battle or whatever, that’s always difficult. It’s harder than it seems. (Battle Quotes)
I’ve pretty much run the circle of labels and dealing with that whole kind of battle, because you’re the one creating the music, but you’re not the final say. That’s always been hard. (Battle Quotes)
Success can be defined as how hard you continue to fight when they tell you that the battle is over. (Battle Quotes)
I watched my parents battle, work night shift, work two jobs. That’s toughness. That’s toughness... That’s something; it all carries over from your parents, and I was fortunate to have both parents in my life. (Battle Quotes)
I’ve been in fortunate position of never really having to battle with my record company to do the things I wanted to do in the studio. (Battle Quotes)
Having some retail experience is key. It really is where the battle is won or lost. (Battle Quotes)
The Sound of battle fell upon my ear and heart all day yesterday--even after dark the cannon’s insatiate roar continued ... (Battle Quotes)
That intensity, that feeling of the battle, heat of the moment: personally, that’s what I live for. (Battle Quotes)
There’s a battle between what the cook thinks is high art and what the customer just wants to eat. (Battle Quotes)