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Battleships Quotes

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If we had less statemanship we could get along with fewer battleships  (Battleships Quotes) If any foreign minister begins to defend to the death a "peace conference," you can be sure his government has already placed it's orders for new battleships and airplanes  (Battleships Quotes) Like the battleships of old, omnibus programs present too tempting a target, too easily destroyed by a single attack, to make it through a fight... It is through incremental change after change, step after step, that a statesman of today can vindicate a bold vision  (Battleships Quotes) I mourn in grey, grey as the sleeted wind the bled shades of twilight, gunmetal, battleships, industrial paint  (Battleships Quotes) By and by when each nation has 20,000 battleships and 5,000,000 soldiers we shall all be safe and the wisdom of statesmanship will stand confirmed  (Battleships Quotes) When it comes to the pinch, human beings are heroic. Women face childbed and the scrubbing brush, revolutionaries keep their mouths shut in the torture chamber, battleships go down with their guns still firing when their decks are awash  (Battleships Quotes) I am filled with hatred for money, for battleships, for industry, for factories, for the grind, grind, grind of the machine on all our creative instincts  (Battleships Quotes) It is sound statesmanship to add two battleships every time our neighbour adds one and two stories to our skyscrapers every time he piles a new one on top of his to threaten our light. There is no limit to this soundness but the sky  (Battleships Quotes) I am filled with hatred for money, for battleships, for industry, for factories, for the grind, grind, grind of the machine on all our creative instincts ...  (Battleships Quotes) If any foreign minister begins to defend to the death a ‘peace conference’, you can be sure his government has already placed its orders for new battleships and airplanes.  (Battleships Quotes)