Be courageous. Be independent. Only remember where the true courage and independence come from

Be courageous. Be independent. Only remember where the true courage and independence come from
Phillips Brooks, a renowned American clergyman and author, is often remembered for his inspiring words and teachings on courage and independence. Throughout his life, Brooks exemplified these qualities in his actions and beliefs, serving as a role model for many individuals seeking to live a life of purpose and integrity.Brooks understood that true courage and independence do not stem from a place of arrogance or self-reliance, but rather from a deep sense of faith and trust in something greater than oneself. He believed that true courage comes from a place of humility and surrender, acknowledging that we are not in control of everything in our lives. By placing our trust in a higher power, we can find the strength and resilience to face life's challenges with grace and dignity.
Similarly, Brooks emphasized the importance of independence, not in the sense of isolation or self-sufficiency, but in the ability to think for oneself and make decisions based on one's own values and beliefs. He encouraged individuals to be true to themselves and not be swayed by external pressures or expectations, standing firm in their convictions and principles.