Be it art or hap, he hath spoken true

Be it art or hap, he hath spoken true
The phrase "Be it art or hap, he hath spoken true" is a line from William Shakespeare's play "The Merchant of Venice." In this context, the line is spoken by the character Gratiano, who is praising the wisdom and insight of the character Portia.The phrase can be interpreted in a few different ways. One interpretation is that it means whether Portia's words are the result of careful thought and planning (art) or simply a lucky guess (hap), they are still true. This speaks to the idea that sometimes truth can come from unexpected sources or be arrived at through unconventional means.
Another interpretation is that it speaks to the idea that truth can be found in both art and happenstance. In other words, truth can be revealed through the deliberate creation of art, such as in literature or painting, as well as through random chance or coincidence. This idea reflects Shakespeare's belief in the power of art to reveal deeper truths about the human experience.
The phrase also highlights the idea that truth is not always straightforward or easily discernible. Sometimes truth can be found in unexpected places or through unexpected means. This idea is a recurring theme in Shakespeare's work, as he often explores the complexities of human nature and the ways in which truth can be elusive and multifaceted.
Overall, the phrase "Be it art or hap, he hath spoken true" encapsulates some of the key themes of Shakespeare's work, including the power of art to reveal truth, the complexity of human nature, and the idea that truth can be found in unexpected places. It is a testament to Shakespeare's skill as a playwright and his ability to capture the nuances of the human experience in his work.