Be neither too early in the fashion, nor too long out of it; nor at any time in the extremes of it

Be neither too early in the fashion, nor too long out of it; nor at any time in the extremes of it
Johann Kaspar Lavater, a Swiss poet, philosopher, and theologian, was known for his keen observations on human nature and his profound insights into various aspects of life. One of his famous quotes, "Be neither too early in the fashion, nor too long out of it; nor at any time in the extremes of it," reflects his belief in moderation and balance in all things, including fashion.In the context of Lavater's philosophy, this quote can be interpreted as a reminder to avoid extremes and to strive for a sense of harmony and proportion in one's personal style. Being too early in the fashion can be seen as a sign of trying too hard to be trendy or fashionable, while being too long out of it can indicate a lack of interest or care in one's appearance. Both extremes can be detrimental to one's overall image and can detract from one's sense of self-confidence and self-expression.
Lavater's advice to avoid the extremes of fashion is also a reflection of his belief in the importance of individuality and authenticity. By not blindly following every trend or fad, one can cultivate a sense of personal style that is unique and reflective of one's own personality and values. This can lead to a greater sense of self-assurance and self-acceptance, as one is not constantly seeking validation or approval from others through their outward appearance.
Furthermore, by being mindful of the timing of one's fashion choices, one can demonstrate a sense of awareness and discernment that goes beyond mere superficiality. Instead of being swayed by the latest trends or societal pressures, one can make deliberate and thoughtful decisions about their wardrobe and grooming habits, reflecting a deeper understanding of their own identity and values.