Be Serious Quotes

Text Quotes
It’s much easier for me to be silly than it is to be serious on soap opera (Be Serious Quotes)
Art should be serious, not a joke. I don’t like to laugh about art (Be Serious Quotes)
Well, one must be serious about something, if one wants to have any amusement in life (Be Serious Quotes)
In a temple everything should be serious except the thing that is being worshiped (Be Serious Quotes)
A serious person can never be innocent, and one who is innocent can never be serious (Be Serious Quotes)
When the situation is desperate, it is too late to be serious. Be playful (Be Serious Quotes)
We have an infinite number of reasons to be happy, and a serious responsibility not be serious (Be Serious Quotes)
It is not so important to be serious as it is to be serious about the important things (Be Serious Quotes)
Be careful of playing with love, because when u decide to be serious, love will play with u (Be Serious Quotes)
Life is serious but art is fun! (Be Serious Quotes)
Love is a serious mental disease (Be Serious Quotes)
I am serious about not being serious (Be Serious Quotes)
Life does not cease to be funny when people die any more than it ceases to be serious when people laugh (Be Serious Quotes)
Let me be serious: divorce is a sacred institution between a man and a woman who hate each other. God wanted Adam to pay alimony to Eve, not Steve (Be Serious Quotes)
When I was a kid, my goodness, corporate America was a bunch of stolid white guys in gray suits trying to be serious, and now it's stolid white guys in gray suits trying to be funny (Be Serious Quotes)
Being a funny person does an awful lot of things to you. You feel that you mustn’t get serious with people. They don’t expect it from you, and they don’t want to see it. You’re not entitled to be serious, you’re a clown, and they only want you to make them laugh (Be Serious Quotes)
I never smile when I have a bat in my hands. That’s when you’ve got to be serious. When I get out on the field, nothing’s a joke to me. I don’t feel like I should walk around with a smile on my face (Be Serious Quotes)
If men are wont to play with swearing anywhere, can we expect they should be serious and strict therein at the bar or in the church (Be Serious Quotes)
Bankers cannot afford to be concerned with only the economic aspects of projects. There may be serious implications on the natural environment, the urban environment, on human culture (Be Serious Quotes)
There seems to be this impression that if I really am a psychotherapist, I can’t be serious about it. They think there must be something fishy going on (Be Serious Quotes)
It seems incontrovertible to me that there is a global warming effect and that it is going to be serious, probably not in the amount of, say, six degrees warming, but it’s likely that we’ll get two to three degrees warming and that will be serious enough (Be Serious Quotes)
... when you let go of your expectations, when you accept life as it is, you’re free.To hold on is to be serious and uptight. To let go is to lighten up (Be Serious Quotes)
Part of the problem with extreme patriotism is that it makes the support of one’s country and its policies unconditional. Moderate patriots, on the other hand, see that taking morality seriously requires that our commitment to our country be conditional in two ways. First, the actions or policies of a government must be worthy of support or, at least, must not be serious violations of morality. When nations behave immorally, patriots need not support them (Be Serious Quotes)
Bodies are real entities. Surfaces and lines are but fictitious entities. A surface without depth, a line without thickness, was never seen by any man; no; nor can any conception be seriously formed of its existence (Be Serious Quotes)
Art must always remain earnest... Art must be serious, no sarcasm, comedy. One does not laugh at a loved one (Be Serious Quotes)
Among the cognoscenti, though, it is not just about elaborate new flavors. I always consider the main test of ice cream to be the simple ice creams, especially vanilla. One should have fun when one eats, but it should also be seriously good (Be Serious Quotes)
The care leadership strategy is simple: be a model. Commit yourself to your own personal mastery. Talking about personal mastery may open people’s minds somewhat, but actions always speak louder than words. There is nothing more powerful you can do to encourage others in their quest for personal mastery than to be serious in your own quest (Be Serious Quotes)
Be seriously involved with growing, with your own development, and never fear. Be the kind of person who is naturally powerful, positive, ingenious, open, to the highest degree. Be the best. No negativity. No weakness. No acquiescence to fear or disaster. No errors of ignorance. No evasion to reality (Be Serious Quotes)
To be serious, if we were only interested in earning big money then a politician would have to go and work in industry (Be Serious Quotes)
I think it’s harder to go from comedy to drama than from drama to comedy. Seeing you dramatic all the time, they crave to see you being silly or funny. But, seeing you in comedy all the time, it’s hard to see that person go be serious, for some reason (Be Serious Quotes)