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Be Yourself Quotes

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Life is too short to be fake  (Be Yourself Quotes) Fashion says "Me Too" style says "Me Only"  (Be Yourself Quotes) We must be our own before we can be another's  (Be Yourself Quotes) Your self-worth is determined by you. You don't have to depend on someone telling you who you are  (Be Yourself Quotes) I can't think of any better representation of beauty than someone who is unafraid to be herself  (Be Yourself Quotes) Enjoy your faults, that's what separates you from the rest of the world, and that's what makes you special  (Be Yourself Quotes) Be yourself. If others don't like it, then let them be. Life isn't about pleasing everybody  (Be Yourself Quotes) I can't think of a better representation of beauty than someone who is unafraid to be herself  (Be Yourself Quotes) I've never felt like I needed to change. I've always thought, if you want someone different, pick somebody else  (Be Yourself Quotes) Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you  (Be Yourself Quotes) Don't let someone else's opinion define you  (Be Yourself Quotes) Always be a first rate version of yourself, and not a second rate version of someone else  (Be Yourself Quotes) As the saying goes, you might as well be yourself; everyone else is taken  (Be Yourself Quotes) Work hard, be yourself, and have fun!  (Be Yourself Quotes) It’s always important to be yourself  (Be Yourself Quotes) Be weird it's ok  (Be Yourself Quotes) Never apologize for who you are  (Be Yourself Quotes) Remember to always be yourself. Unless you suck  (Be Yourself Quotes) The universe will pay you to be yourself and do what you really love  (Be Yourself Quotes) Best be yourself, imperial, plain, and true  (Be Yourself Quotes) Don’t be yourself. Be someone a little nicer  (Be Yourself Quotes) Just be yourself and you’ll be fine  (Be Yourself Quotes) Create yourself. Be yourself your poem  (Be Yourself Quotes) No matter what happens, always be yourself  (Be Yourself Quotes) Always be yourself, there’s no one better!  (Be Yourself Quotes) You’re not a bad person because you want to be yourself  (Be Yourself Quotes) Just be yourself, there is no one better  (Be Yourself Quotes) Just be yourself man, be proud of who you are  (Be Yourself Quotes) Be yourself! And then tell us about it! And then let’s dance!  (Be Yourself Quotes) Be yourself cause everyone else is already taken  (Be Yourself Quotes)
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