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Bear Quotes

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To be able to bear provocation is an argument of great reason, and to forgive it of a great mind  (Bear Quotes) Since I became a favorite in every race, it’s just another burden that I have to bear  (Bear Quotes) When I can no longer bear to think of the victims of broken homes, I begin to think of the victims of intact ones  (Bear Quotes) In 1972, I got my first electric bass and started playing the kind of instrument I play now. I found that the majority of musicians couldn’t bear that. They are not used to listening to the bass because they think the bass is in the background to support them  (Bear Quotes) The more freedom we enjoy, the greater the responsibility we bear, toward others as well as ourselves  (Bear Quotes) Like all wage slaves, he had two crosses to bear: the people he worked for and the people he worked with  (Bear Quotes) Many men are like unto sausages: Whatever you stuff them with, that they will bear in them  (Bear Quotes) The test of real literature is that it will bear repetition. We read over the same pages again and again, and always with fresh delight  (Bear Quotes) I like writing a lot more than I used to. I used to find it scary but now I’ve got used to it once it gets going. I used to find it hard to start. Fear of the blank page. The first thing you write down won’t bear any relation to what’s in your head and that’s always disappointing  (Bear Quotes) Denounce me for advocating freedom if you can, and I will bear your curse with a better resignation  (Bear Quotes) Glamour is something you can’t bear to be without once you’re used to it  (Bear Quotes) In fact we say that an intention is good, that is, right in itself, but that an action does not bear any good in itself but proceeds from a good intention. Whence when the same thing is done by the same man at different times, by the diversity of his intention, however, his action is now said to be good, now bad  (Bear Quotes) Every thing secret degenerates, even the administration of justice; nothing is safe that does not show how it can bear discussion and publicity  (Bear Quotes) If women’s role in life is limited solely to housewife/mother, it clearly ends when she can no longer bear more children and the children she has borne leave home  (Bear Quotes) Women are the ones that bear the greatest burden. We are also the ones who nurture societies  (Bear Quotes) I do not like eating meat because I have seen lambs and pigs killed. I saw and felt their pain. They felt the approaching death. I could not bear it. I cried like a child. I ran up a hill and could not breathe. I felt that I was choking. I felt the death of the lamb  (Bear Quotes) To bear lightly the neck’s yoke brings strength; but kicking against the goads is the way of failure  (Bear Quotes) All couples must bear the strain of getting acquainted, having been, up to then, merely intimate  (Bear Quotes) While we are young the idea of death or failure is intolerable to us; even the possibility of ridicule we cannot bear  (Bear Quotes) A mind that questions everything, unless strong enough to bear the weight of its ignorance, risks questioning itself and being engulfed in doubt  (Bear Quotes) If you can’t bear to have your face stepped on, don’t try to climb the ladder of success  (Bear Quotes) Apparent failure may hold in its rough shell the germs of a success that will blossom in time, and bear fruit throughout eternity  (Bear Quotes) No mind, however loving, could bear to see plainly into all the recess of another mind  (Bear Quotes) Men are made uneasy; they flinch; they cannot bear the sudden light; a general restlessness supervenes; the face of society is disturbed, or perhaps convulsed; old interests and old beliefs have been destroyed before new ones have been created. These symptoms are the precursors of revolution; they have preceded all the great changes through which the world has passed  (Bear Quotes) If our education had included training to bear unpleasantness and to let the first shock pass until we could think more calmly, many an unbearable situation would become manageable, and many a nervous illness avoided. There is proverb expressing this. It says, trouble is a tunnel thorough which we pass and not a brick wall against which we must break our head  (Bear Quotes) Not to be able to bear poverty is a shameful thing, but not to know how to chase it away by work is a more shameful thing yet  (Bear Quotes) A woman’s character is as delicate as her eye; it can bear no flaw  (Bear Quotes) In this thing one man is superior to another, that he is better able to bear adversity and prosperity  (Bear Quotes) The love of truth is the stimulus to all noble conversation. This is the root of all the charities. The tree which springs from it may have a thousand branches, but they will all bear a golden and generous fruitage  (Bear Quotes) Governments that block the aspirations of their people, that steal or are corrupt, that oppress and torture or that deny freedom of expression and human rights should bear in mind that they will find it increasingly hard to escape the judgement of their own people, or where warranted, the reach of international law  (Bear Quotes)
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