Bearable Quotes

Text Quotes
Life does not stand still for families and local communities when our brave men and women are deployed, but we can make their time apart more bearable by recognizing their sacrifice and fulfilling our commitments to them (Bearable Quotes)
Our triumphs seem hollow unless we have friends to share them, and our failures are made bearable by their understanding (Bearable Quotes)
Celebrity culture has gone crazy, and I think the reason is that real news is just not bearable, and it also seems impossible to change anything (Bearable Quotes)
If a man or woman has something redone it is because he or she can no longer live with that part of their body, it is no longer bearable. Either they get help and find the strength to fight or they proceed with the act (Bearable Quotes)
All conditions are bearable, all dignities trumpery, and wisdom simply the gift of making the best of whatever is thrust upon us (Bearable Quotes)
Politicians are like dogs... Their life expectancy is too short for a commitment to be bearable (Bearable Quotes)
Love has, at its best, made the inherent sadness of life bearable, and its beauty manifest (Bearable Quotes)
He had learned that every known physical pain was bearable; if one knew beforehand exactly what was going to happen to one, one stood it as a surgical operation - for instance, the extraction of a tooth (Bearable Quotes)
Radio news is bearable. This is due to the fact that while the news is being broadcast the disc jockey is not allowed to talk (Bearable Quotes)
Is suffering so very serious?...I’m referring to the kind of suffering a man inflicts on a woman or a woman on a man. It’s extremely painful... hardly bearable. But I very much fear that this sort of pain... is no more worthy of respect than old age or illness (Bearable Quotes)
There is no such thing as no choice. There is always a choice. The only question is whether it’s a bearable one (Bearable Quotes)
In all our searching, the only thing we’ve found that makes the emptiness bearable is each other (Bearable Quotes)
She had studied the universe all her life, but had overlooked its clearest message: For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love (Bearable Quotes)
Though sympathy alone can’t alter facts, it can help to make them more bearable (Bearable Quotes)
Nostalgia for what we have lost is more bearable than nostalgia for what we have never had (Bearable Quotes)
We all not only could know everything. We do. We just tell ourselves we don’t to make it all bearable (Bearable Quotes)
I had had to learn the difference between the bearable fatigue and the unbearable, the fatigue of fear. The first can be cured by a night’s sleep; the second kills (Bearable Quotes)
Nous sommes tous oblige s, pour rendre la re alite supportable, d’entretenir en nous quelques petites folies. We must all indulge in a few follies if we are to make reality bearable (Bearable Quotes)
The arts are not a way to make a living. They are a very human way of making life more bearable (Bearable Quotes)
For my part, I try to do my bit to make people’s lives more bearable, in particular children across the globe who are having problems (Bearable Quotes)
Poetry has never let me down. Without poetry, I would have found life less comprehensible, less bearable and infinitely less enjoyable (Bearable Quotes)
I have come to believe that one thing people cannot bear is a sense of injustice. Poverty, cold, even hunger are more bearable than injustice (Bearable Quotes)
The larger the percentage of the national income taken by taxes the greater the deterrent to private production and employment. When the total tax burden grows beyond a bearable size, the problem of devising taxes that will not discourage and disrupt production becomes insoluble (Bearable Quotes)
Yes, this is what I thought adulthood would be, a kind of long indian summer, a state of tranquility, of calm incuriousness, with nothing left of the barely bearable raw immediacy of childhood, all the things solved that had puzzled me when I was small, all mysteries settled, all questions answered, and the moments dripping away, unnoticed almost, drip by golden drip, toward the final, almost unnoticed, quietus (Bearable Quotes)
You can’t change the tale so that you turned left one day instead of right, or didn’t make the mistake that might have saved your life a day later. We don’t get those choices. The story is what got you here, and embracing its truth is what makes the outcome bearable (Bearable Quotes)
Only friends will tell you the truths you need to hear to make your life bearable (Bearable Quotes)