Beautiful Earth Quotes

Text Quotes
The most beautiful girl on earth is the one with a golden heart (Beautiful Earth Quotes)
I hope to be remembered as someone who made the earth a little more beautiful (Beautiful Earth Quotes)
I see Earth! It is so beautiful (Beautiful Earth Quotes)
We earth men have a talent for ruining big, beautiful things (Beautiful Earth Quotes)
The mind of man is a thousand times more beautiful than the earth on which he dwells (Beautiful Earth Quotes)
If there is a heaven, it must be here on earth because the earth is so beautiful (Beautiful Earth Quotes)
From space, the Bahamas is the most beautiful place on Earth (Beautiful Earth Quotes)
Enthusiasm is the most beautiful word on earth (Beautiful Earth Quotes)
Many great works of art, poetry, and music are inspired by astral memories. The desire to do noble, beautiful things here on Earth is also often a carryover of astral experiences between a person’s earth lives. (Beautiful Earth Quotes)
England...the greatest and the most glorious and beautiful land on earth. (Beautiful Earth Quotes)
As stewards of God’s creation, we are called to make the earth a beautiful garden for the human family. (Beautiful Earth Quotes)
It’s always wonderful to get to know women, with the mystery and the joy and the depth. If you can make a woman laugh, you’re seeing the most beautiful thing on God’s Earth. (Beautiful Earth Quotes)
And, obviously as a, as one who likes to travel around myself a lot, I think the Earth is a beautiful place. And, I’m looking forward to some new perspectives. (Beautiful Earth Quotes)
You can be the most beautiful person on Earth, and if you don’t have a fitness or diet routine, you won’t be beautiful. (Beautiful Earth Quotes)
I want to go to the Maldives before they sink, but just because it’s the most beautiful place on earth. (Beautiful Earth Quotes)
I hope to enjoy however many days I have on this beautiful Earth and spend as much of it outside as I can surrounded by those I love. (Beautiful Earth Quotes)
The most solid comfort one can fall back upon is the thought that the business of one’s life is to help in some small way to reduce the sum of ignorance, degradation and misery on the face of this beautiful earth. (Beautiful Earth Quotes)
I gotta say, as the father of two beautiful young daughters, I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth. (Beautiful Earth Quotes)
A child’s eyes, those clear wells of undefiled thoughtÂÂ-what on earth can be more beautiful? Full of hope, love and curiosity, they meet your own. (Beautiful Earth Quotes)
Nothing can be more beautiful than the one you love on earth except yourself (Beautiful Earth Quotes)
The earth is like a beautiful bride who needs no manmade jewels to heighten her loveliness... (Beautiful Earth Quotes)
Passion is like the lightning, it is beautiful, and it links the earth to heaven, but alas it blinds! (Beautiful Earth Quotes)
There is no place on earth or on the universe that a tree cannot turn a place into a more beautiful site! (Beautiful Earth Quotes)
I know that I’ve been put on this Earth to make people happy, to inspire people, and to uplift people. That’s a beautiful thing. (Beautiful Earth Quotes)
Lust is the devil’s counterfeit for love. There is nothing more beautiful on earth than a pure love and there is nothing so blighting as lust. (Beautiful Earth Quotes)
We live on planet earth, we have the sun, and it’s the most beautiful thing, the way the sun dances and the way shadows are cast. (Beautiful Earth Quotes)
How very beautiful and consoling our faith is! For the little work we do here on earth it promises in return all the joys of assured happiness. (Beautiful Earth Quotes)
If seeds in the black earth can turn into such beautiful roses, what might not the heart of man become in its long journey toward the stars? (Beautiful Earth Quotes)
Everything on earth is beautiful, everything -- except what we ourselves think and do when we forget the higher purposes of life and our own human dignity. (Beautiful Earth Quotes)
I am always thirsting for beautiful, beautiful, beautiful music. I wish I could make it. Perhaps there isn’t any music on earth like what I picture to myself. (Beautiful Earth Quotes)