Beautiful Quotes

Text Quotes
We do yoga to make life more beautiful.. to stop misery from entering our world (Beautiful Quotes)
The fruit is what really matters, not how gnarly or beautiful the apple tree is (Beautiful Quotes)
What is beautiful? Whatever is perceived joyfully is beautiful. Bliss is the essence of beauty (Beautiful Quotes)
Those days she was just a beautiful girl, now she’s framed and hung up (Beautiful Quotes)
The whiskers sticking up from underneath his pancake makeup, and yet he was a beautiful lady (Beautiful Quotes)
I’m not afraid of death, but I resent it. I think it’s unfair and irritating. Every time I see something beautiful, I not only want to return to it, but it makes me want to see other beautiful things. I know I’m not going to get to all the places I want to go (Beautiful Quotes)
When you see a person, do you just concentrate on their looks? It’s just a first impression. Then there’s someone who doesn’t catch your eye immediately, but you talk to them and they become the most beautiful thing in the world. The greatest actors aren’t what you would call beautiful sex symbols (Beautiful Quotes)
I wanted to tell her that she was the first beautiful thing I had seen in three years. That the sight of her yawning to the back of her hand was enought to drive the breath from me. How I sometimes lost the sense of her words in the sweet fluting of her voice. I wanted to say that if she were with me then somehow nothing could ever be wrong for me again (Beautiful Quotes)
Things like that happen all the time in this great big world of ours. It’s like taking a boat out on a beautiful lake on a beautiful day and thinking both the sky and the lake are beautiful. So stop eating yourself up alive. Things will go where they’re supposed to go if you just let them take their natural course (Beautiful Quotes)
The bond forged between us was not one that could be broken by absence, distance, or time. And no matter how much more special or beautiful or brilliant or perfect than me he might be, he was as irreversibly altered as I was. As I would always belong to him, so would he always be mine (Beautiful Quotes)
I look at you, and I see the most beautiful woman on the face of the earth. Inside and out you are beautiful. I know you better than anyone else could ever know you, because I can see into your thoughts and read your memories. The very light in you, our tremendous capacity for loving, humbles me (Beautiful Quotes)
A woman isn’t all that different from a bonfire. A fire’s a beautiful thing, right? Something you can’t take your eyes off, when it’s burning. If you can keep it contained, it’ll throw light and heat for you. It’s only when it gets out of control that you have to go on the offensive (Beautiful Quotes)
And it’s more. It’s about getting past that question of whats wrong with me, to knowing there’s nothing wrong, that you were born this way. You’re a normal person and a beautiful person and you should be proud of who you are. You deserve to live and live with dignity and show people your pride (Beautiful Quotes)
I get upset over a bad shot just like anyone else. But it’s silly to let the game get to you. When I miss a shot I just think what a beautiful day it is. And what pure fresh air I’m breathing. Then I take a deep breath. I have to do that. That’s what gives me the strength to break the club (Beautiful Quotes)
Is there anything more beautiful than a beautiful, beautiful flamingo, flying across in front of a beautiful sunset? And he’s carrying a beautiful rose in his beak, and also he’s carrying a very beautiful painting with his feet. And also, you’re drunk (Beautiful Quotes)
I’m gradually managing to cram my mind more and more full of things. I’ve got this beautiful mind and it’s going to die, and it’ll all be gone. And then I say, not in my case. Every idea I’ve ever had I’ve written down, and it’s all there on paper. And I won’t be gone; it’ll be there (Beautiful Quotes)
Any action coming out of unconsciousness is sin. The action may look virtuous, but it cannot be. You may create a beautiful facade, a character, a certain virtuousness; you may speak the truth, you may avoid lies; you may try to be moral, and so on and so forth. But if all this is coming from unconsciousness, it is all sin (Beautiful Quotes)
If you have true gratitude, it will express itself automatically. It will be visible in your eyes, around your being, in your aura. It is like the fragrance of a flower. In most cases if there is a beautiful flower, the fragrance will be there naturally. The flower and its fragrance cannot be separated (Beautiful Quotes)
There are so many pressures that are put upon young women. Whatever we can do to alleviate that and help women feel beautiful about who we are inside, which is the only beauty there truly is, is so nice. Let’s get down and dirty. Let’s be a real girl (Beautiful Quotes)
Cold words freeze people, and hot words scorch them, and bitter words make them bitter, and wrathful words make them wrathful. Kind words also produce their own image on men’s souls; and a beautiful image it is. They smooth, and quiet, and comfort the hearer (Beautiful Quotes)
No one has the right to criticize you for how your body looks, but they will. One thing I’ve learned from experiencing this exact kind of criticism is that no one else can label your body except for you. No one gets to have a place in your mind if they weren’t invited there by you. So please do me this one favor: Don’t let their ugly words into your beautiful mind (Beautiful Quotes)
You can see the cruelest part of the world, the cruelest part. But then on the other side, you see the most beautiful part. Do you know? It’s like you go from one extreme to the next. And they’re both worth it because you wouldn’t see the one without the other one. But that cruel part is damn cruel and you’ll never forget it. But that heaven is heaven (Beautiful Quotes)
We’re growing up together, the human race. And we’ve discovered a lot of things that we didn’t know. We’re finding our way. Instead of thinking about doomsday all the time, think about how beautiful the world is. We’re all together, and together we’re getting wiser (Beautiful Quotes)
When you do talk about yourself, or to yourself... try to picture you talking to your own daughter, or your younger sister. Because you would tell your younger sister or your daughter that she is beautiful, and you wouldn’t be lying. Because she is. And so are you (Beautiful Quotes)
Anything that is beautiful is beautiful just as it is. Praise forms no part of its beauty, since praise makes things neither better nor worse. This applies even more to what it commonly called beautiful: natural objects, for example, or works of art. True beauty has no need of anything beyond itself (Beautiful Quotes)
How beautiful it is to excel, and the goodness of giving from your heart (Beautiful Quotes)
All which is beautiful and noble is the result of reason and calculation (Beautiful Quotes)
Sometimes the most beautiful thing is precisely the one that comes unexpectedly and unearned (Beautiful Quotes)
They have a beautiful security system and we’re emulating the whole security infrastructure (Beautiful Quotes)
I am simple, complex, generous, selfish, unattractive, beautiful, lazy, and driven (Beautiful Quotes)