Beautifully Quotes

Text Quotes
Oscars are won with two or three shots only, because if it’s really beautifully photographed, you don’t really notice it until the astounding moment emphasizes it. (Beautifully Quotes)
It doesn’t matter how beautifully a film is photographed. The acting tells your story. It’s what people relate to. If you don’t believe the characters, it doesn’t work. (Beautifully Quotes)
Because it’s magic, this place . . . beautiful. And you’re beautiful . . . beautifully separate. It all fits. (Beautifully Quotes)
As for the herbal cigarettes, for the most part I don’t smoke as much as the guys do. I’m usually just strutting around a bit more so I don’t actually have to be inhaling it. I’m lucky because I do have scenes where the cigarettes work beautifully to punctuate certain things I’m saying. (Beautifully Quotes)
One of my style commandments is to always have beautifully radiant skin (Beautifully Quotes)
While starving refugees in Homs were providing target practice for government snipers, Bashar al-Assad’s strongest international backer was in Sochi, at the Iceberg Skating Palace, visibly moved, smiling with deep satisfaction, as the Russians beautifully glided and leaped their way to the gold medal in the team event. (Beautifully Quotes)
I went to Goldsmith College of Art in London in the 80s and there I made sculptures, but the objects had nothing to do with how I was thinking. I was making beautifully sanded wooden boxes! (Beautifully Quotes)
I’m not thinking when I’m writing, ‘How’s this going to read?’ Or, ‘What percentage of the audience is going to stay with me?’ The thing itself is what gives me pleasure. Sometimes stuff just falls onto the page so beautifully and happily that it’s deeply satisfying. It’s selfish! (Beautifully Quotes)
I loved ‘Everybody Loves Raymond’ because I like Ray and I thought it was beautifully cast, I thought it was great writing. I thought Patricia Heaton was wonderful. (Beautifully Quotes)
Beauty does not linger; it only visits. Yet beauty’s visitation affects us and invites us into its rhythm; it calls us to feel, think and act beautifully in the world: to create and live a life that awakens the Beautiful. A life without delight is only half a life. (Beautifully Quotes)
I thought I was going to be a lot more freaked out by being naked onstage. I think on film I would have been more freaked out, because film is less forgiving. But onstage it’s lit so beautifully. It would make my mother look good. (Beautifully Quotes)
For the life of the believer, one thing is beautifully and abundantly true: God’s chief concern in your suffering is to be with you and be himself for you. (Beautifully Quotes)
We have seen that living things are too improbable and too beautifully ‘designed’ to have come into existence by chance. (Beautifully Quotes)
I find often in Hollywood there are many people who play themselves really beautifully. And certain parts are not that dissimilar from who you are as a person. (Beautifully Quotes)
From my first days in Washington D.C., where I rolled a whole four downtown blocks without seeing a single shop, cafe, bar or restaurant I could not access, to the beautifully accessible buses in New York City, I was in heaven. (Beautifully Quotes)
The British civil service ... is a beautifully designed and effective braking mechanism. (Beautifully Quotes)
You are a woman who is beautifully created by the love of God and should not be taken for granted because you are the precious daughter of God. (Beautifully Quotes)
Mr. Balanchine wanted me to be myself. He didn’t want me to look like anyone else. I love teaching our company dancers the Balanchine ballets. I try to give them what was passed down to me and what I learned from him. They dance it so beautifully. It also keeps me close to Mr. Balanchine. He’s with me every single day. (Beautifully Quotes)
Just read The Virtue of Minding Your Own Business. Oh my, what currents run deep! Beautifully seen, beautifully told. Praise praise praise . . . Pardon my French, but you are one darn major American writer!---Richard Bach, author of Jonathan Livingston Seagull and Illusions, on Sandcastle and Other Stories (Beautifully Quotes)
Women all live a double standard, but this is actually sort of a beautifully grotesque parody of it. There’s a weird kind of joy that I have in seeing [Hillary Clinton] trounce this essence of male bullshit. (Beautifully Quotes)
Downton Abbey’ is one of my favourite shows ever - it’s just beautifully filmed, and the stories and characters are so wonderful. (Beautifully Quotes)
At dusk the sunset is beautifully bright; at year’s end the tangerines are even more fragrant. Therefore, at the end of their road, in their later years, enlightened people should be a hundred times more vital in spirit. (Beautifully Quotes)
To attempt to write seriously is always, I feel, to fail - the disjunction between my beautifully sonorous, accurate and painfully affecting mental content, and the leaden, halting sentences on the page always seems a dreadful falling short. (Beautifully Quotes)
My favourite books series as a young child was the Frank L. Baum ‘Wizard of Oz’ series. They were beautifully written, oversized fat books with wonderful type and illustrations. (Beautifully Quotes)
Women and minorities have excelled beautifully in comedy, but very few women are the lead in a drama. (Beautifully Quotes)
Passion. Confidence. Gratitude. The possibility of making positive change in the world. It’s the sort of spark one gets the moment they decide to go after what they want, really fight for it, work hard, and not give up. I love that spark; it’s beautifully contagious. (Beautifully Quotes)
In spite of food fads, fitness programs, and health concerns, we must never lose sight of a beautifully conceived meal. (Beautifully Quotes)
Our love went from fly to flower to butterfly, and it was meant to beautifully flutter, not sit still on a shelf like a trophy to be collected. (Beautifully Quotes)
When God created the universe, this world beautifully and gloriously revealed his unfathomable being. (Beautifully Quotes)
I choose Hosea. Oh, there’s no book of the Bible which more beautifully and more painfully demonstrates how very much God loves us. (Beautifully Quotes)