Beauty And Happiness Quotes

Text Quotes
Let us be the flowers of love and let us spread the beauty of happiness (Beauty And Happiness Quotes)
The gospel teaches us that true beauty is more than skin-deep. A young woman whose countenance is aglow with both happiness and virtue radiates inner beauty (Beauty And Happiness Quotes)
My mother is a big believer in being responsible for your own happiness. She always talked about finding joy in small moments and insisted that we stop and take in the beauty of an ordinary day. When I stop the car to make my kids really see a sunset, I hear my mother’s voice and smile (Beauty And Happiness Quotes)
Happiness and beauty are by-products. Folly is the direct pursuit of happiness and beauty (Beauty And Happiness Quotes)
My greatest beauty secret is being happy with myself. I don’t use special creams or treatments - I’ll use a little bit of everything. It’s a mistake to think you are what you put on yourself. I believe that a lot of how you look is to do with how you feel about yourself and your life. Happiness is the greatest beauty secret (Beauty And Happiness Quotes)
Tranquility is the Truth, Truth is beauty beauty is happiness and bliss is divine (Beauty And Happiness Quotes)
When I was your age...I wish I’d known that I already had everything I needed within myself to be happy, instead of looking for happiness at beauty counters. (Beauty And Happiness Quotes)
If you’re respectful by habit, constantly honoring the worthy, four things increase: long life, beauty, happiness, strength. (Beauty And Happiness Quotes)
It has been said that beauty is a promise of happiness. Conversely, the possibility of pleasure can be a beginning of beauty (Beauty And Happiness Quotes)
For those who are always courteous and respectful of elders, four things increase: life, beauty, happiness and strength (Beauty And Happiness Quotes)
Imagination disposes of everything; it creates beauty, justice, and happiness, which are everything in this world (Beauty And Happiness Quotes)
I have a talent for happiness. I look with the eyes of a painter, and I see beauty (Beauty And Happiness Quotes)
Romance and novel paint beauty in colors more charming than nature, and describe a happiness that humans never taste. How deceptive and destructive are those pictures of consummate bliss! (Beauty And Happiness Quotes)
The purpose of a moral philosophy is not to look delightfully strange and counterintuitive or to provide employment to bioethicists. The purpose is to guide our choices toward life, health, beauty, happiness, fun, laughter, challenge, and learning (Beauty And Happiness Quotes)
The dower of great beauty has always been misfortune, since happiness and beauty do not agree together (Beauty And Happiness Quotes)
Beauty does not bring happiness to the one who possesses it, but to the one who loves and admires it (Beauty And Happiness Quotes)
I define spirituality as a search for love, beauty, happiness and wisdom. Spirituality is a journey that we never finish (Beauty And Happiness Quotes)
Happiness is the secret of beauty. But who knows the secret of happiness? The wise woman keeps her cosmetics at hand (Beauty And Happiness Quotes)
Beauty for some provides escape, who gain a happiness in eyeing the gorgeous buttocks of the ape or Autumn sunsets exquisitely dying (Beauty And Happiness Quotes)
We find delight in the beauty and happiness of children that makes the heart too big for the body (Beauty And Happiness Quotes)
A lump rises in our throat at the sight of beauty from an implicit knowledge that the happiness it hints at is the exception (Beauty And Happiness Quotes)
The root of things, what they were all afraid of saying, was that happiness is dirt cheap. You can have it for nothing. Beauty (Beauty And Happiness Quotes)
You should have fallen in love with a happy man, if you wanted happiness. But no, you had to fall for the breathtaking beauty of pain (Beauty And Happiness Quotes)
Children must early learn the the beauty of generosity. They are taught to give what they prize most, that they may taste the happiness of giving (Beauty And Happiness Quotes)
Sometimes it felt as if all happiness came at a price. You could never, ever, have perfection. Life gave you beauty so you could bear the pain (Beauty And Happiness Quotes)
Happiness and beauty are the worst things you can have in a life, because you never forget them. They go on and on ambushing you, presumably until you die (Beauty And Happiness Quotes)
Is it indeed from the experience of beauty and happiness, from the occasional harmony between our nature and our environment, that we draw our conception of the divine life (Beauty And Happiness Quotes)
Beauty and happiness and life are all the same and they are pervasive, unattached and abstract and they are our only concern. They are immeasurable, completely lacking in substance. They are perfect and sublime. This is the subject matter of art (Beauty And Happiness Quotes)
Let the resurrection joy lift us from loneliness and weakness and despair to strength and beauty and happiness (Beauty And Happiness Quotes)
It is indeed from the experience of beauty and happiness, from the occasional harmony between our nature and our environment, that we draw our conception of the divine life (Beauty And Happiness Quotes)