Beauty Quotes

Text Quotes
To all the girls that think you're fat because you're not a size zero, you're the beautiful one, its society who's ugly (Beauty Quotes)
Strong women wear their pain like they do stilettos. No matter how much it hurts, all you see is the beauty of it (Beauty Quotes)
I'm no beauty queen i'm just beautiful me (Beauty Quotes)
A smile is an inexpensive way to change your looks (Beauty Quotes)
What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable (Beauty Quotes)
Beauty is skin deep. Ugly is to the bone (Beauty Quotes)
The Lord prefers common looking people. That is the reason he makes so many of them (Beauty Quotes)
You can take no credit for beauty at sixteen. But if you are beautiful at sixty, it will be your soul's own doing (Beauty Quotes)
I just feel my best when I'm all glammed up (Beauty Quotes)
Beauty may be dangerous but intelligence is lethal (Beauty Quotes)
Without grace beauty is an unbaited hook (Beauty Quotes)
Both of us can't look good at the same time - it's me or the house. (Beauty Quotes)
Open your eyes and see the beauty (Beauty Quotes)
She who is born a beauty is born betrothed (Beauty Quotes)
Beauty. Beast (Beauty Quotes)
Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy (Beauty Quotes)
I look forward to being older, what you look like becomes less and less an issue and what you are is the point (Beauty Quotes)
When life gives you curves, flaunt them (Beauty Quotes)
When you stop looking for perfect bodies you'll find beautiful hearts (Beauty Quotes)
With money in your pocket, you are wise, you are handsome, and you sing well too (Beauty Quotes)
The very definition of 'beauty' is outside (Beauty Quotes)
Beauty of whatever kind, in its supreme development, invariably excites the sensitive soul to tears (Beauty Quotes)
I prefer to be a beautiful woman of my age than try desperately to look 30 (Beauty Quotes)
She finds color in the darkest places. She finds beauty in the saddest of faces (Beauty Quotes)
Crying is for plain women. Pretty women go shopping (Beauty Quotes)
Beauty is within yourself (Beauty Quotes)
Beauty awakens the soul to act (Beauty Quotes)
You look fine (Beauty Quotes)
Many complain of their looks, but none of their brains (Beauty Quotes)
Because I’m worth it! (Beauty Quotes)