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Bed Quotes

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Strange things in the neighbourhood: seeing things running through head, invisible man sleeping in bed  (Bed Quotes) Young boys should never be sent to bed. They always wake up a day older  (Bed Quotes) Confidence takes constant nurturing, like a bed, it must be remade every day  (Bed Quotes) I am so in love with just lying in bed listening to Mozart  (Bed Quotes) I’m out of bed before the alarm goes off  (Bed Quotes) Early to bed, early to rise, work like hell, and advertise  (Bed Quotes) I m up at 5 in the morning and in bed by 10 in the evening  (Bed Quotes) What do I wear in bed? Why, Chanel No. 5, of course  (Bed Quotes) I don’t want to wake up with cops surrounding my bed tonight  (Bed Quotes) In the bed of suspicion, no cushion can make a man to sleep  (Bed Quotes) Take me back to your bed, I love you so much that it hurts my head  (Bed Quotes) Book lovers never go to bed alone  (Bed Quotes) You and me would be perfect together. In my bed  (Bed Quotes) I wish you were here in bed with me for 15 minutes  (Bed Quotes) When I was little I faked being asleep, so I would be carried to bed  (Bed Quotes) We should have sex if we’re ever somehow both in bed and awake at the same time  (Bed Quotes) On my death bed, I want to remember the great naps I took  (Bed Quotes) I wish you didn’t live so far away from my bed  (Bed Quotes) If people were meant to pop out of bed, we’d all sleep in toasters  (Bed Quotes) A bed without a quilt is like a sky without stars  (Bed Quotes) Laying in bed, opened my window to hear the rain, it’s so peaceful  (Bed Quotes) I’m not a tanning bed person at all, but I’ll get a spray tan  (Bed Quotes) It was such a beautiful day I decided to stay in bed  (Bed Quotes) Airbnb started with ‘air bed and breakfast.’  (Bed Quotes) I didn’t exercise. I worked all the time, went home and went to bed.  (Bed Quotes) I do like routines. Waking up the same time, go to bed the same time.  (Bed Quotes) I give unto my wife my second best bed with the furniture  (Bed Quotes) You know that old saying. Once you go dead, no one’s better in bed.  (Bed Quotes) By 9:30 at night, I go to bed  (Bed Quotes) We rise up every morning and go to bed in the night by grace  (Bed Quotes)
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