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Bed Quotes

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It’s awkward: Here you are with most of your clothes off in bed with this person who you’ve really just met. You’re strangers to each other’s bodies and you’re coming together for the first time in front of all these people  (Bed Quotes) The best thing about lying in bed late is that you learn to distinguish between first things and trivia, for whatever presses on you has to prove its importance before it makes you move  (Bed Quotes) My body grew hot, then cold. I tried to eat the bed sheets. My heart beat madly. Every joint in my body ached. When I took the cure they took it all away from me  (Bed Quotes) I have a toy giraffe on my bed. I’ve got photographs over my desk as well as a mask of a giraffe in my kitchen. I am totally hooked  (Bed Quotes) I am really chained to my computer these days so I work in my bedroom, which is a room I have worked in for years and years. It is just as much an office as a bedroom, and during the day, my bed is rather like an extension of my desk  (Bed Quotes) I’ve gotten out of bed a lot of days for a lot less than $10,000  (Bed Quotes) I was scared of the dark. Ohhhh, I’d do anything not to have to sleep on my own. I’d get in bed and cover myself with dolls and teddy bears  (Bed Quotes) A man of sixty has spent twenty years in bed and over three years in eating  (Bed Quotes) You know what it’s like to wake up in the middle of the night with a vivid dream? And you know that if you don’t have a pencil and pad by the bed, it will be completely gone by the next morning. Sometimes it’s important to wake up and stop dreaming. When a really great dream shows up, grab it  (Bed Quotes) I don’t go out that much anymore, unfortunately. I used to enjoy it, but I’m just so busy. Like last night, everybody else went out, and I just went straight home and went to bed  (Bed Quotes) I was seeing everything through pain. I would roll out of bed and do my exercises. I had to do that to work out the remainder of the pain pills. I would drink coffee and go to the set and plunge myself so far into my work  (Bed Quotes) My son complains about headaches. I tell him all the time, when you get out of bed, it’s feet first!  (Bed Quotes) I had this whole ritual with my mother making the bed with me inside it so I would be invisible  (Bed Quotes) While I had often said that I wanted to die in bed, what I really meant was that in my old age I wanted to be stepped on by an elephant while making love  (Bed Quotes) You don’t really care about the trials of tomorrow, rather lay awake in a bed full of sorrow  (Bed Quotes) In dealing with those who share his bed, the enlightened ruler may enjoy their beauty but should not listen to their special pleas  (Bed Quotes) I don’t wear anything in bed. But I’m not ready for a nude scene quite yet  (Bed Quotes) Of those that are drawn away, each is drawn elsewhere toward another: once more a man and a woman, in a loneliness they are not liable at that time to notice, are tightened together upon a bed: and another family has begun  (Bed Quotes) A bookworm in bed with a new novel and a good reading lamp is as much prepared for pleasure as a pretty girl at a college dance  (Bed Quotes) Desire is poison at lunch and wormwood at dinner; your bed is a stone, friendship is hateful and your fancy is always fixed on one thing  (Bed Quotes) I remember the last season I played. I went home after a ballgame one day, lay down on my bed, and tears came to my eyes. How can you explain that? It’s like crying for your mother after she’s gone. You cry because you love her. I cried, I guess, because I loved baseball, and I knew I had to leave it  (Bed Quotes) We are not afraid to look under the bed, or to wash the sheets; we know that life is messy. We know that somebody has to clean it up, and that only if it is cleaned up can we hope to start over, and get better  (Bed Quotes) I’m not into the money thing. You can only sleep in one bed at a time. You can only eat one meal at a time, or be in one car at a time. So I don’t have to have millions of dollars to be happy. All I need are clothes on my back, a decent meal, and a little loving when I feel like it. That’s the bottom line  (Bed Quotes) I was never particularly wild, just very busy and often didn’t think about what I was putting into my body. Today things are very different. I stopped smoking in my late 30s; I avoid wheat and gluten as this makes me feel bloated and sluggish; exercise regularly and bounce out of bed  (Bed Quotes) I want to spend my life with someone and do nice things and go on adventures, read books and have nice food and celebrate things. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life in the bedroom like some people who just go to bed and never get out again  (Bed Quotes) It gets harder every day to get out of bed. I don’t feel like it loads of the time. It is only my exercise routine which wakes me up  (Bed Quotes) The only really safe thing to do is to write a diary of where you’ve been, what time you went to bed, what you ate. If I wrote honestly about everything I think it’d be a disaster. It would cause a lot of trouble  (Bed Quotes) You just stay the course, and do what it is that you do, and grow while you’re doing it. Eventually it will either come full circle, or at least you’ll go to bed at night happy  (Bed Quotes) I like to have a massage therapist come to my house, get a massage, take a bath, go to bed. That’s a perfect night alone for me  (Bed Quotes) I used to write in bed, starting when I woke up. I believe that creative work comes from our subconscious mind, so I try to keep the gap between sleep and writing as minimal as possible  (Bed Quotes)
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