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Bed Quotes

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I just laid around in my bed, looking at the ceiling, and I smiled because it was a nice kind of quiet  (Bed Quotes) A baboon in a forest is a matter of legitimate speculation; a baboon in a zoo is an object of public curiosity; but a baboon in your wife’s bed is a cause of the gravest concern  (Bed Quotes) I am learning peacefulness, lying by myself quietly, as the light lies on these white walls, this bed, these hands. I am nobody; I have nothing to do with explosions  (Bed Quotes) The first thing we did was change all the clocks so that her siblings thought it was bedtime, then put them to bed ignoring their plaintive protests that they were not tired. They wept themselves to sleep soon enough  (Bed Quotes) I went to bed feeling melancholy, wishing I could have poured out all my fears and insecurities to my mom. Wasn’t that what normal mothers and daughters did?  (Bed Quotes) How unjust then to meet that person you love, and be kept away from them only because ones bed is made of hay, and the other, feathers  (Bed Quotes) Then I’d crawl back into bed, smelling her all around me, and tell myself that next time, I would lock that window. But I never did  (Bed Quotes) My box bedroom can only fit a bed and a wardrobe but it was my whole world. My only personal space to think and dream, to cry and laugh and wait until I became old enough to do all the things I wasn’t allowed to do  (Bed Quotes) There was no one to call me to bed, no one to demand that the rhythms of my life operate in a duet  (Bed Quotes) We would be together and have our books and at night be warm in bed together with the windows open and the stars bright  (Bed Quotes) Many a housewife staring at the back of her husband’s newspaper, or listening to his breathing in bed is lonelier than any spinster in a rented room  (Bed Quotes) Remember when you were a little kid and you’d fall asleep in the car? And someone would carry you out and put you into bed, so that when you woke up in the morning, you knew automatically you were home again? That’s what I think it’s like to die  (Bed Quotes) The sun was a toddler insistently refusing to go to bed: It was past eight thirty and still light  (Bed Quotes) The best thing about the bedroom was the bed. I liked to stay in bed for hours, even during the day with covers pulled up to my chin. It was good in there, nothing ever occurred in there, no people, nothing  (Bed Quotes) There is a dead spot in the night, that coldest, blackest time when the world has forgotten evening and dawn is not yet a promise. A time when it is far too early to arise, but so late that going to bed makes small sense  (Bed Quotes) The woods always look different at night... as if the daytime trees and flowers and stones had gone to bed and sent slightly more ominous versions of themselves to take their places  (Bed Quotes) You leave the phone on beside you as you fall asleep. I sit in my bed and listen to your breathing, until I know you are safe, until I know you no longer need me for the night  (Bed Quotes) Blustery cold days should be spend propped up in bed with a mug of hot chocolate and a pile of comic books  (Bed Quotes) The writer has no responsibility other than to jack off in bed alone and write a good page  (Bed Quotes) She closed her hands around his and shut her eyes, imagining their bed cut free of this strange prison, floating through space or on the surface of the ocean, just the two of them alone  (Bed Quotes) No. I don’t go through your things. I just come once in a while to make sure you’re in one piece. I like knowing you’re safe, asleep in your bed. I haven’t stolen anything  (Bed Quotes) ... first thing is that I love you. And the second thing is that as much as I honor your former profession, I don’t think your geese care much for your betrothed and I hope they hadn’t any plans on sharing our bed  (Bed Quotes) New study reveals men like to cuddle. Another study reveals men will say anything to get into bed with a woman  (Bed Quotes) It’s tough to get out of bed; I know that myself. You can lie there for an hour and a half without thinking anything, just worrying about what the day holds and knowing that you won’t be able to deal with it  (Bed Quotes) I wish I could just fling myself into bed with you, but I can’t. I don’t want to be used that way and I don’t want to use you! Can’t you understand that?  (Bed Quotes) Boots and leather jackets were strewn on her bed, and what looked like a new knife set. She’d taken a class last winter and was dying to try them out legally on someone  (Bed Quotes) The tenderness between two people can turn the air tender, the room tender, time itself tender. As I step out of bed and slip on an oversize shirt, everything around me feels like it’s the temperature of happiness  (Bed Quotes) I want you too much. I want you with me, in my life, in my bed. If I can have that, nothing else matters  (Bed Quotes) I don’t need anything else. I get out of bed every morning and face the world because you’re in it  (Bed Quotes) And then I got to my feet and stumbled toward the door again. And got halfway there before I realized I was naked. Of course I am, I thought angrily, and went back to the bed for a sheet. God forbid I actually wake up dressed anymore  (Bed Quotes)
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