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Bed Quotes

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Theses officers were good friends, so it must have been a terrible argument, because the one who played chess with my father was so angry that he walked over to the dentist’s house and got the dentist out of bed and shot him  (Bed Quotes) I guess he wanted to see a little more sexual activity because in real life, in bed I think less is more and let the woman come to me. Frankly, I don’t even need a woman there  (Bed Quotes) I go home by noon, and I’m in bed by 6 p. M. I get up at 1 and do it again  (Bed Quotes) The only way I can lose this election is if I’m caught in bed with either a dead girl or a live boy  (Bed Quotes) I want to tell stories powerful people don’t want you to tell. It’s not worth getting out of bed otherwise  (Bed Quotes) There’s often a lot of stupid ideas like you all dress as fruits and pretend you’re selling underpants or we’ll put you on a bed of nails and drive a truck over the top and photograph you for the cover  (Bed Quotes) Did I choose this life of illusion? Don’t be mad. My bed was made, I just lied in it  (Bed Quotes) I caught my wife in bed with another man and I was crushed. So I said, get off of me, you two!  (Bed Quotes) I used to think I was great in bed until I discovered that all my girlfriends suffered from asthma  (Bed Quotes) What the hell kind of bed you giving us, anyways. We don’t want no pants rabbits  (Bed Quotes) When at length they rose to go to bed, it struck each man as he followed his neighbour upstairs that the one before him walked very crookedly  (Bed Quotes) I was not going to go to bed forever with his unwarranted death on my conscience  (Bed Quotes) When I was 5 years old I would lie in bed, look at the radio, and I wanted to be on the radio. I don’t know why  (Bed Quotes) Now I literally roll out of bed and put on whatever is there. I have really enjoyed being a boy this last year  (Bed Quotes) We all have a great time. And then I go to bed, get up and do it all over again. I like my life  (Bed Quotes) My father was predisposed to drunken rages. I would hide under the bed. My sister and I were talking just the other day about the terror a drunken man in a rage can create in a child  (Bed Quotes) In so many interviews, they bring up the sexual aspect of the record. I’ve had some journalists say it sounds like I’m lying down in bed singing with a microphone. It gets so old!  (Bed Quotes) I’m not lonely, and I think that has a lot to do with what’s on my bedside table rather than what’s in my bed  (Bed Quotes) Sometimes, an afternoon spent in bed with someone can be the most important thing in the universe  (Bed Quotes) Throw out an alarming alarm clock. If the ring is loud and strident, you’re waking up to instant stress. You shouldn’t be bullied out of bed, just reminded that it’s time to start your day  (Bed Quotes) Put duties aside at least an hour before bed and perform soothing, quiet activities that will help you relax  (Bed Quotes) Woke up in bed with a gorgeous woman, who I’m going to have lunch and the rest of my life with  (Bed Quotes) Every man wonders about the size of their penis. Laying in bed alone at night, or in a hammock with a parrot. You start thinking, do I have a small penis or just gigantic balls?  (Bed Quotes) I have what I call the theater of morning inside my head, all these voices talking to me. When they come up with a good metaphor, then I jump out of bed and trap them before they’re gone  (Bed Quotes) Art does not lie down on the bed that is made for it; it runs away as soon as one says its name; it loves to go incognito. Its best moments are when it forgets what it is called  (Bed Quotes) That guy is so quick, he can switch off the light and get into bed before the room is dark  (Bed Quotes) Brock’s a big bloke, isn’t he? If you found him in bed with your girlfriend, you’d tuck him in!  (Bed Quotes) May sleep envelop you as a bed sheet floating gently down, tickling your skin and removing every worry. Reminding you to consider only this moment  (Bed Quotes) This is the army, mr. Jones, no private rooms or telephones, you had your breakfast in bed before, but you won’t have it there anymore  (Bed Quotes) Show me the way to go home I’m tired and I want to go to bed I had a little drink about an hour ago and it went right to my head  (Bed Quotes)
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