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Bed Quotes

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Here comes a candle to light you to bed, here comes a chopper to chop off your head  (Bed Quotes) Up, and all day at the office, but a little at dinner, and there late till past 12. So home to bed, pleased as I always am after I have rid a great deal of work, it being very satisfactory to me  (Bed Quotes) For the past forty years I had never folded my own quilt, made my own bed, or poured out my washing water. I had never even washed my own feet or tied my shoes  (Bed Quotes) Going to bed with a woman never hurt a ballplayer. It’s staying up all night looking for them that does you in  (Bed Quotes) Bed is a bundle of paradoxes; we go to it with reluctance, yet we quit it with regret; and we make up our minds every night to leave it early, but we make up our bodies every morning to keep it late  (Bed Quotes) Death has got something to be said for it: There’s no need to get out of bed for it; wherever you may be, they bring it to you, free  (Bed Quotes) He has his law degree and a furnished office. It’s just a question of getting him out of bed  (Bed Quotes) A revolution is not a bed of roses. A revolution is a struggle to the death between the future and the past  (Bed Quotes) O! It’s nice to get up in the mornin’, but it’s nicer to stay in bed  (Bed Quotes) Women are natural guerrillas. Scheming, we nestle into the enemy’s bed, avoiding open warfare, watching the options, playing the odds  (Bed Quotes) A person is a success if they get up in the morning and gets to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do  (Bed Quotes) To get the whole world out of bed and washed, and dressed, and warmed, and fed, to work, and back to bed again, believe me, saul, costs worlds of pain  (Bed Quotes) The ideal committee is one with me as the chairman, and two other members in bed with the flu  (Bed Quotes) Friends will keep you sane, love could fill your heart, a lover can warm your bed, but lonely is the soul without a mate  (Bed Quotes) If, before going to bed every night, you will tear a page from the calendar, and remark, there goes another day of my life, never to return, you will become time conscious  (Bed Quotes) If you think you’re too small to make a difference, you’ve obviously never been in bed with a mosquito  (Bed Quotes) O! Sing unto my roundelay, o! Drop thy briny tear with me. Dance no more at holiday, like a running river be; my love is dead, gone to his death bed all under the willow tree  (Bed Quotes) In family life people almost always adjust themselves to misfortune. They make a bed of it and hope makes them accept that bed, however hard it is  (Bed Quotes) Though youth be past, and beauty fled, the constant heart its pledge redeems, like box, that guards the flowerless bed and brighter from the contrast seems  (Bed Quotes) The morning I got up to begin this book I coughed. Something was coming out of my throat: it was strangling me. I broke the thread which held it and yanked it out. I went back to bed and said: I have just spat out my heart  (Bed Quotes) Evil is unspectacular and always human, and shares our bed and eats at our own table  (Bed Quotes) Somebody who never got over the embarrassing fact that he was born in bed with a lady  (Bed Quotes) You must go to bed with friends or whores, where money makes up the difference in beauty or desire  (Bed Quotes) While he was drunk asleep, or in his rage, or in the incestuous pleasure of his bed  (Bed Quotes) I’m not going to bed after all. Somebody around here hath murdered sleep. Good for him  (Bed Quotes) Heaven deliver us, what’s a poet? Something that can’t go to bed without making a song about it  (Bed Quotes) That old saw about the early bird just proves that the worm should have stayed in bed  (Bed Quotes) One of the most adventurous things left us is to go to bed. For no one can lay a hand on our dreams  (Bed Quotes) The work is with me when I wake up in the morning; it is with me while I eat my breakfast in bed and run through the newspaper, while I shave and bathe and dress  (Bed Quotes) What happens when the guy who runs the reactor gets out of bed wrong or decides, for some reason, that he wants to override his instruction sheet some afternoon?  (Bed Quotes)
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