Bed Quotes

Text Quotes
You know you’re getting old when a four-letter word for something pleasurable two people can do in bed together is R-E-A-D. (Bed Quotes)
Four things does a reckless man gain who covets his neighbor’s wife - demerit, an uncomfortable bed, thirdly, punishment, and lastly, hell. (Bed Quotes)
I think my real depressions started when I was about 16 and doing The Patty Duke Show. I would go to bed at about 10 o’clock on a Friday night and not get up again until 6:30 Monday morning. (Bed Quotes)
You just stay the course, and do what it is that you do, and grow while you’re doing it. Eventually it will either come full circle, or at least you’ll go to bed at night happy. (Bed Quotes)
Decisions to cut aid for the terminally ill, for the elderly, for dependent children, for food stamps, even school lunches, are being made by men with full stomachs who live in comfortable houses with two cars and umpteen tax shelters. None of them go hungry to bed at night. (Bed Quotes)
The alien in my uncle hand obviously taken full control. Soon, it would claw its way out of his stomach and tap dance across my bed (Bed Quotes)
If you go to bed at night and think about your day and you haven’t laughed very much, then you must jump out of bed and go do something fun. (Bed Quotes)
It’s not music you would use to get a girl into bed. If anything, you’re going to frighten her off. (Bed Quotes)
Some bloke came up to me in Tesco a couple of years ago at 11:30 pm and said: ‘Excuse me, would you mind telling my son here that you’re Uncle Vernon?’ I said: ‘Get a grip. It’s 11:30 at night - what’s he doing out of bed? I’m not here to entertain people at this time of night. (Bed Quotes)
It’s really hard to get any work done in my apartment when my bed is also in my apartment (Bed Quotes)
It is vice to go to bed with someone you are not married to or have someone of your own sex or to get money for having sex with someone who does not appeal to you-incidentally, the basis of half the marriages of my generation. (Bed Quotes)
We’re getting the blues about having to walk away from this whole thing. We enjoyed it a lot and it all felt good. We had a good experience on it. We thought we could do good work together. And it is unusual to get the next one, straight off the bed. John is funny. When he gets moving, he moves pretty quickly. (Bed Quotes)
Teens aren’t just interested in getting laid. I won’t believe that’s all they’re interested in. I have four younger sisters and they’re sick of being shown how they’re supposed to react in bed. (Bed Quotes)
I want to tell stories powerful people don’t want you to tell. It’s not worth getting out of bed otherwise. (Bed Quotes)
At the moment of waking up, before getting out of bed, get in touch with your breath (Bed Quotes)
I remember once a vocational director said to Fang, You must develop some mechanical skills - like getting out of bed. (Bed Quotes)
If I didn’t have my little schedule book, I wouldn’t get out of bed in the morning (Bed Quotes)
As an entrepreneur, what drives you has to be the good news; otherwise, you just don’t get out of bed. (Bed Quotes)
First of all, I love singing. I mean, I get out of bed and I sing. I can’t help it. (Bed Quotes)
If things are going well, if the writing’s coming along, I jump out of bed happy. And if the previous day has been bad, I get out of bed disgruntled. (Bed Quotes)
Getting after this terrible, avoidable waste of human potentiality is what gets me out of bed every morning. (Bed Quotes)
One thing I’ve noticed about getting older, it takes twice as much work to get half the results one formerly achieved by falling out of bed. (Bed Quotes)
Ian nodded his approval. I’ve always liked a woman that understood the value of getting out of my bed just as quick as she’d jumped in it. (Bed Quotes)
I get up really early, and I go to bed really late. Sometimes I get tired, but it’s not important. I have an exciting existence, and there’s so much to do. (Bed Quotes)
I’ll get up at 5 or 6. I try to catch up on sleep on the weekends, so I’ll try to get seven hours of sleep. During the week, my ideal is to go to bed at 9 and wake up six hours later. (Bed Quotes)
If I was a Jewish girl in Hitler’s day, I would become his girlfriend. After ten days in bed, he would come to my way of thinking. (Bed Quotes)
I grew my dreadlocks 12 years ago because they give me the freedom to roll out of bed and not spend hours on my woolly, thick hair. I get tons of dropped jaws and compliments, so I reckon folks like them all right. (Bed Quotes)
With learning lines, before I had Alfie, I’d put it off and think, ‘Oh, I’ll just have a glass of wine and then do it later,’ but when you’ve finally got a child to bed and you know you’ve only got an hour, then you achieve so much. (Bed Quotes)
If you have no shame, and it’s your goal to get people into bed, how much higher could your success rate possibly be? (Bed Quotes)
I pray every day. In the mornings and, before I go to bed. I think it’s important to pray not just when things are going bad. When things are going bad, it’s easy to pray and ask God to help you out, but it’s also important to pray when things are going well and show your appreciation. (Bed Quotes)