Beer Quotes
Text Quotes
I write what I like to write. Those who like to listen to it, listen to it. And the ones who don’t, watch football and drink beer, jog, go to discos and so forth. I never claimed to be a man for all seasons. (Beer Quotes)
You can go super American and get barbecue and beer and be like, ‘Whatever, I’m watching a football game.’ That’s exactly what I’m going to do. (Beer Quotes)
Ask most kids about details about Auschwitz or about how the American Indians were assassinated as a people and they don’t know anything about it. They don’t want to know anything. Most people just want their beer or their soap opera or their lullaby. (Beer Quotes)
What kind of heart does one have to have in order to be able to get rid of these, without regret, as if they were empty beer cans? (Beer Quotes)
I don’t want to play stinking, beer-ridden clubs. It depresses me even thinking about that. I really hate it when you’re finished with a show and you’re in your dressing room with that stink of beer and sweaty girls. It brings back an ugly picture for me. I’d hate to have to do that again. (Beer Quotes)
Although finding fruit flies in your wine or beer can be a bit annoying, I hope people will pause to admire the tenacity of these clever little creatures. They are really just hungry animals looking for something to eat, and have no intention of ruining your happy hour. (Beer Quotes)
In the end, art is small beer. The really serious things are earning one’s living so as not to be a parasite and loving one’s neighbor. (Beer Quotes)
There is no such thing as a bad beer. It’s that some taste better than others. (Beer Quotes)
I went from a playing in a bar on a bar stool for free beer and tip money, where people weren’t paying attention to me, to now I’ve got their attention. It’s up to me to what I feed them with my music. It’s up to me how I do that. I’ve put a lot of thought into how great the songs are, and how I want people to perceive me. (Beer Quotes)
I am big in Japan... heightwise! But, yeah, I started modeling there in my teens and into my 20s. I did Calvin Klein, Uniqlo, and lots of magazine covers. It’s such a beautiful country, and they have beer vending machines right on the street. Love that! (Beer Quotes)
I live in Portland now. It’s beautiful from day one. The Food and the beer, and no sales tax. Get your iPad while you’re here. (Beer Quotes)
The company Sunfare delivers food to my house, and I eat six meals day. My two cheats are hot chocolate that I’m obsessed with and drink multiple times a day, and root beer I drink once in a million years. I drink about 2 gallons of water a day. (Beer Quotes)
The old man sold beer after hours on weekends. And that was something that he probably did to top up his earnings as a truck driver. Mum was the traditional housewife. Loving, caring, sharing - always the keynotes of the family. (Beer Quotes)
Tender and sweet, Manila clams partner well with a wide variety of foods - white wine, sake, beer, butter, leeks, fresh herbs, roasted peppers, olives, and wild mushrooms, to name a few. (Beer Quotes)
My mind says one thing, but my body says another. Thanks a lot, Indian food and beer. (Beer Quotes)
The food is excellent. The beer is cold. The sun nearly always shines. There is coffee on every corner. Life doesn’t get much better than this. (Beer Quotes)
You can’t be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline. It helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer. (Beer Quotes)
When you go to a football game and someone offers you a beer [...], they’re really saying hi, have a glass of extroversion. (Beer Quotes)
My drug of choice is beer. It’s not only socially accepted, you can’t even watch a football game without having it shoved in your face a thousand times. (Beer Quotes)
If I went on vacation, I’d rather go camping than stay in some four-star hotel... My friends treat me the same at home. They just want to sit down with you and have a beer. (Beer Quotes)
I went to about one frat party a year. A year seemed to be enough time for me to forget how much I didn’t like frat parties, and my friends would eventually convince me to go to one. Cheap beer, guys looking for a quick hook-up, and girls playing ‘dumb’ to get in on the hook-up. I just never got into it. (Beer Quotes)
All my friends were in college when I was making ‘Superbad.’ We were drinking beer and watching movies and eating pizza. It wasn’t like I was going to nice restaurants or anything like that, and I lived like a frat guy. Eventually it was time to grow up, be healthy and be responsible. You can’t live like a kid forever, you know? (Beer Quotes)
Things don’t make me nearly as happy as talking and having a beer with my friends. And that’s something everyone can do. (Beer Quotes)
A hundred years ago, concerts were far more come-what-may - people played cards, drank beer and appreciated the music. If we go some way towards restoring that spirit, I’ll be happy. (Beer Quotes)
I want people to hear really exciting music played by the best, but in a context where they can clap when they want to, chase their toddlers, drink beer, take photos, get lost in the music and generally be themselves. And because a field has no rules, it’s the perfect place to create unlikely combinations of musical genres. (Beer Quotes)
I was 35 years old and not in the best of shape. I spent many late nights playing music, drinking beer, and eating Taco Bell. (Beer Quotes)
I can completely lose myself into just absolutely satisfying things - a really amazing cheeseburger, a pizza, good fries, a beer. I enjoy being comfortable and eating whatever the hell I like. It’s a big thing for me, just having the freedom to be able to do that. (Beer Quotes)
I’m not God but if I were God, ¾ of you would be girls, and the rest would be pizza and beer. (Beer Quotes)
In the summer we graduated we flipped out completely, drinking beer, cruising in our cars and beating up each other. It was a crazy summer. That’s when I started to be interested in girls. (Beer Quotes)
I just did an interview where I was asked whether I drink beer or whisky, and I was sad to reveal that I’m pounding spring water. (Beer Quotes)