Beer Quotes
Text Quotes
Well that’s the nicest thing a beer induced hallucination has ever said to me (Beer Quotes)
Why certainly I’d like to have that fellow who hits a home run every time at bat, who strikes out every opposing batter when he’s pitching, who throws strikes to any base or the plate when he’s playing outfield and who’s always thinking about two innings ahead just what he’ll do to baffle the other team. Any manager would want a guy like that playing for him. The only trouble is to get him to put down his cup of beer and come down out of the stands and do those things (Beer Quotes)
Golf is a terrible, hopeless addiction, it seems: it makes its devotees willing to trudge miles in any manner of weather, lugging a huge, incommodious and appallingly heavy bag with them, in pursuit of a tiny and fantastically expensive ball, in a fanatical attempt to direct it into a hole the size of a beer glass half a mile away. If anything could be better calculated to convince one of the essential lunacy of the human race, I haven’t found it (Beer Quotes)
I don’t intend to use beer as a crutch and drink until I pass out. So advice, keep an eye on that so you can get in there and get yourself drunk sex before it turns unpretty and drunk sex ends with me puking and / or passing out during the act (Beer Quotes)
Sometimes, I think the only art left for us is slowly peeling the label off a beer bottle while somebody tells you about a dream they had (Beer Quotes)
To give one can of beer to a thousand people is not nearly as much fun as to give 1,000 cans of beer to one guy. You give a thousand people a can of beer and each of them will drink it, smack his lips and go back to watching the game. You give 1,000 cans to one guy, and there is always the outside possibility that 50,000 people will talk about it (Beer Quotes)
I’m only a beer teetotaler, not a champagne teetotaler; I don’t like beer (Beer Quotes)
I just don’t want to come down to that level of society….the ones who sit by their televisions, drink their beer, their guts fat, vicariously living someone else’s life, in a destructive way. I want a positive way (Beer Quotes)
I’ve never read anything about heroin where, yeah, it’s a good experience, and you can do it for 20 years and enjoy it, like having a cold beer. It doesn’t work that way with heroin (Beer Quotes)
Good films are not made by accident, nor is good photography. You can have good things happen, on occasion, by accident that can be applied at that moment in a film, but your craft isn’t structured around such things, except in beer commercials (Beer Quotes)
I’m sure it’s nothing switching to a light beer won’t cure (Beer Quotes)
Why can men no longer be best friends? This is so stupid. Today if you show two guys being best friends they end up giving out an image that they’re gay. But guys don’t always need to be drinking beer, fighting in pubs or pulling women by the hair. They may have a deep affection (Beer Quotes)
I just feel like, if I drink, I want to drink a case of beer and not two beers. Two beers doesn’t do anything for me (Beer Quotes)
Don’t quote me on this, but if they ever manage to ban beer advertising in baseball you can kiss the national pastime goodbye (Beer Quotes)
Back down a country road the girls are always hot and the beer is ice cold (Beer Quotes)
America’s craft brewers know that beer, not wine, is the best beverage for accompanying a good meal (Beer Quotes)
My voice? Yeah, well, I used to drink a lot of beer when I was a kid and I sounded like a drunk in a choir. I don’t drink anymore (Beer Quotes)
Hey bartender, hey man, look here. Give us one more, two more, three more glasses of beer (Beer Quotes)
So long as a man attends to his business the public does not count his drinks. When he fails they notice if he takes even a glass of root beer (Beer Quotes)
My goal is to hit the gym every day I’m on vacation. Usually I just end up sleeping and drinking beer (Beer Quotes)
Here is a principle to use in all aspects of economics and policy. When you find a good or service that is in huge demand but the supply is so limited to the point that the price goes up and up, look for the regulation that is causing it. This applies regardless of the sector, whether transportation, gas, education, food, beer, or daycare. There is something in the way that is preventing the market from working as it should. If you look carefully enough, you will find the hand of the state making the mess in question (Beer Quotes)
If I saved all the money I spent on beer, I’d spend it on beer (Beer Quotes)
Like plowing, housework makes the ground ready for the germination of family life. The kids will not invite a teacher home if beer cans litter the living room. The family isn’t likely to have breakfast together if somebody didn’t remember to buy eggs, milk, or muffins. Housework maintains an orderly setting in which family life can flourish (Beer Quotes)
The attempt to make the consumption of beer criminal is as silly and as futile as if you passed a law to send a man to jail for eating cucumber salad (Beer Quotes)
Keep winning and get to the postseason, I won 20 games and they just dumped one beer on my head. It feels good because I’m helping my team win (Beer Quotes)
Let me just say that it is super wierd throwing your own bash at a conference instead of just leaching off everyone else’s, but hey, free beer, right? (Beer Quotes)
After a snowstorm is the best time to be in the woods, because all the empty beer and soda cans and candy wrappers disappear, and you don’t have to try as hard to be in another time. Plus there’s just something beautiful about walking on snow that nobody else has walked on (Beer Quotes)
When you paint late at night, drinking beer or wine or both, you gotta be very careful to watch what you are doing (Beer Quotes)
There’s truth in wine, and there may be some in gin and muddy beer; but whether it’s truth worth my knowing, is another question (Beer Quotes)
You don’t consume craft beers in great quantities just to get loaded; you consume craft beers because you like the taste of the beer. People are asking for beer based on what they’re eating, which is quite a change from the way it was (Beer Quotes)