Began Quotes

Text Quotes
Theatre aside, my penchant for the extended monologue began with my reading of Browning’s dramatic monologues, in high school. My inclination to adopt the form for prose was confirmed by Richard Howard’s book of dramatic monologues, Untitled Subjects (Began Quotes)
There’s a much deeper knowing and deeper intelligence in this place. This is where I began the journey of listening to that inner wisdom. We’ve all had those aha moments. In yoga it’s called prajna - a flash of illumination. I heard that voice (Began Quotes)
I went through the same process when I sort of addressed in my practice cancer next, when I began all the veganism and the fasting and the purifications. Part of that was just gratitude, expressing gratitude, thank you, thank you (Began Quotes)
I began to think about those that were in my situation that were not able to walk out of an abusive marriage, or maybe those that did not know where to go, that were in a single headed marriage, or widows. I was thinking what it was I could do to reach out to them (Began Quotes)
As we began working toward the finale of ‘Lost,’ I knew there was no possible ending that was going to be universally loved, and I accepted that. We ended the story the way we wanted it to end, and we stand by it. On my Twitter feed, I still get ten to fifteen positive comments for every negative one (Began Quotes)
I could feel my attachment to the scene receding as I began to realize that everything was perfect and going according to plan in the greater tapestry (Began Quotes)
At first everything went according to plan and they called it ka. When things began going wrong and the dying started, they called that ka, too. Ka, the gunslinger could have told them, was often the last thing you had to rise above (Began Quotes)
There was something so unutterably ridiculous about the sight of a US company deleting posts accusing it of censorship that many other people began to protest (Began Quotes)
Upon arriving, meeting their teachers and signing up for classes, these students began to realize that their attendance at Delaware State University was not a goal achieved, but rather a dream being sewn - a first step, if you will (Began Quotes)
My life wasn’t beautiful and creative before I became politically active. My life was totally changed when I began to struggle. (Began Quotes)
I feel that when I began writing, I had a need to know more about the play before I got into it. I think that’s the way I was thinking. But my actual experience is that the best way to find out what the structure is, is by writing the play out laterally. You just have got to be brave enough to start without knowing where you are going. (Began Quotes)
I have always admired stylishly confident women who dress with great authority. This lifelong love of elegance began with the humble wardrobe of my late grandmother Mrs. Bennie Frances Davis. (Began Quotes)
It wasn’t until I was an adult reader that I began to fathom the influence of fairy tales on writers I was in love with over the years, from Louisa May Alcott to Bernard Malamud to John Cheever to Anne Frank to Joy Williams. (Began Quotes)
I was always interested in art at school, and after year twelve, senior year, I spent three years studying graphic design at college. I worked in advertising for two years but didn’t like it much, then began doing a bit of illustration work for various publishers. (Began Quotes)
I began illustrating children’s books because of a growing disillusionment with the sort of work I was doing in the advertising industry. Book publishing offered me the chance to be far more creative. (Began Quotes)
After a sound drubbing followed by half a day’s fasting, I felt more like laughing than like crying; and, in half a while, all was forgotten and my wickedness began afresh and worse than ever. (Began Quotes)
At the time that I knew them, they were not living together. They began dating again after their divorce, so I didn’t really see fighting. (Began Quotes)
I sold my first short story while I was home on maternity leave, then began working on novels. Since I was reading and enjoying romance novels at the time, the first two unpublished manuscripts I wrote were both romances. I sold my third novel, ‘Call After Midnight,’ to Harlequin Intrigue after submitting it unagented. (Began Quotes)
After I got over the terrible pain of having something of mine taken from me, I began to think how bad everybody else must be feeling. It wasn’t a nice time. (Began Quotes)
After my grandfather began to be successful, he returned to the village where he was born and founded a primary school. (Began Quotes)
The modern assault on the environment began about 50 years ago, during and immediately after World War II. (Began Quotes)
I began drinking alcohol at the age of thirteen and gave it up in my fifty sixth year; it was like going straight from puberty to a mid-life crisis. (Began Quotes)
Even before the agricultural revolution began in the Fertile Crescent about 10,000 years ago, humans had learned how to work with new technology. Those who could not or would not eventually became priests, politicians, and bureaucrats. (Began Quotes)
When I stopped looking at food as a reward or a celebration and began looking at food as energy to fuel my athletic ambitions, that really kind of changed the whole world for me. That was the real ‘aha!’ moment. (Began Quotes)
When television began, it modeled itself after radio. Many early television programs were radio programs first. ‘My Favorite Wife,’ ‘The Jack Benny Show,’ ‘Burns and Allen,’ ‘Alfred Hitchcock Presents.’ (Began Quotes)
Through my surfing, I met all my friends that helped me out in the music world, and so that’s kind of how it all began. So, it was the surfing and then the music. (Began Quotes)
The ancient Greek oral poets all had this anxiety about the deficiencies of their memories and always began poems by praying to the Muse to help them remember. (Began Quotes)
I am not sure how old I was when I began to worry about being saved, but it was sometime in my early teens. (Began Quotes)
The erosion of privacy rights under the Fourth Amendment, written to protect us against unreasonable search and seizure, began in earnest under President George W. Bush. (Began Quotes)
The 21st century can and must be an American century. It began with terror, war, and economic calamity. It is our duty to steer it onto the path of freedom, peace, and prosperity. (Began Quotes)