Began Quotes

Text Quotes
When I was an art student in the early 60’s before the acid scene began I was smoking pot just like anyone else who was an artist. (Began Quotes)
Some prescient American collectors, including Vicki and Kent Logan and Mera and Donald Rubell, began collecting Chinese art before 2000 with a genuine passion, but as the auction prices exploded everyone was beating a path to the galleries and artist studios in China. It became the ‘China thing.’ (Began Quotes)
When I was young, I wanted to be a writer or painter. I was always writing stories, and I excelled at drawing. My teachers encouraged my art work. When I was 9 or 10, I began learning piano and started writing music. (Began Quotes)
I began as a boy with artistic talent... as a visual artist... I thought that was what I’d become and in my late teens drifted into reading serious literature. (Began Quotes)
One of the things that Dostoevsky talks about is that no character is too high to fall and no character is too low to be redeemed. ‘Crime and Punishment’ began with a person going out and consciously becoming a cold-blooded murderer, and it took 800 pages and an epilogue before the person finally asked for forgiveness. (Began Quotes)
When I was a kid and I’d be in trouble. I’d ask God to help me, and then once the fire was out, I wouldn’t talk to Him anymore. When I got older, I began to find I needed some help spiritually, just to function. (Began Quotes)
When the press began asking me for interviews, I freaked out. My instinct is to hide. (Began Quotes)
When I was a model, I started with an opinion, but was encouraged to lose it. It began as play-acting, but then I lost sight of myself a bit: so when I did the audition for ‘Popworld’ and they asked my opinion, I felt like crying with happiness. (Began Quotes)
To understand how black projects began, and how they continue to function today, one must start with the creation of the atomic bomb. The men who ran the Manhattan Project wrote the rules about black operations. The atomic bomb was the mother of all black projects, and it is the parent from which all black operations have sprung. (Began Quotes)
General Atomics, the progenitor of General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, started life in 1955 when a major military contractor, General Dynamics, feared that the military hardware market might dry up. It began exploring peacetime uses of atomic energy, but abandoned the effort when cold-war military spending took off. (Began Quotes)
Hunger, I discovered, is very much a matter of the mind, and as I began to study my own appetites, I saw that my teenage craving had not really been for food. That ravenous desire had been a yearning for love, attention, appreciation. Food had merely been my substitute. (Began Quotes)
Drama began as the act of a whole community. Ideally, there would be no speculators. In practice, every member of the audience should feel like an understudy. (Began Quotes)
I began to appreciate that authentic truth is never simple and that any version of truth handed down from on high - whether by presidents, prime ministers, or archbishops - is inherently suspect. The powerful, I came to see, reveal truth only to the extent that it suits them. (Began Quotes)
Thomas Young was born in 1731 in upstate New York. The child of impoverished Irish immigrants, he grew up in a log cabin without the benefit of a formal education. But he was an avid reader who began collecting books at a young age and eventually amassed one of the finest personal libraries in New England. (Began Quotes)
The patterns became even more vivid at Cardinal Hayes High School. That’s when I began failing subjects and running away from home for days at a time. (Began Quotes)
When I began to study baby delivery, when I was about to have a baby, I became very into it and fascinated and what our body does and how a mother’s body temperature will rise the minute that the baby touches her chest because she needs to get warmer. (Began Quotes)
When the vast baby-boom generation exploded into adolescence in the 1960s, marketers exulted. Advertising consultants, always eager to coin a phrase, began happily explaining to corporations the difference between ‘teenyboppers’ and ‘counterculture consumers.’ (Began Quotes)
I found I was having continually to please the sort of people I’d always hated when I was a child. This began to bring me back to reality. (Began Quotes)
To understand the universe in the state that it began in, the so-called Big Bang, we need laws of physics that work better than our current set of rules and procedures, which break down when we try to push them back to the beginning. (Began Quotes)
I wrote a novel, Ghost Road Rules, and as soon as it was done and polished, I began reaching out to agents. I ignored the frequent advice to ‘shoot low and try for a low-level agent because they’re the only ones that will take a flyer on a new author.’ That sounded like bad advice to me. (Began Quotes)
It was a recession when I graduated, but I was so unequipped to have a job anyway, I don’t think it would have mattered if the economy was booming. I think I was expecting bad jobs. But as it went on through my 20s, I began to wonder how things were going to turn out. (Began Quotes)
You can use your means in a good and bad way. In German-speaking art, we had such a bad experience with the Third Reich, when stories and images were used to tell lies. After the war, literature was careful not to do the same, which is why writers began to reflect on the stories they told and to make readers part of their texts. I do the same. (Began Quotes)
I began writing poetry when I was about 10. Bad poetry, but you start with bad poetry. (Began Quotes)
I began to think, The endowment has had a bad reputation in the last few years, and that’s unfair. (Began Quotes)
The day I left baseball, I became smart. When I was in baseball, I played for the love of the game. I’d sign any contract they gave me. But then I stopped playing and began doing interviews with the players at the ball park. I began to see the light. (Began Quotes)
It now appears that the way the universe began can indeed be determined, using imaginary time (Began Quotes)
[John Adams] always felt that his contribution to bringing about independence went unappreciated, especially after the 1790s when [Tomas] Jefferson began to be lauded as the author of the Declaration of Independence. (Began Quotes)
When I lived in the U.K., I recorded a lot of ska and rock-steady styles of Jamaican music. But people there weren’t accepting it. So I began using a faster reggae beat. (Began Quotes)
Do you remember when everyone began analyzing Beatles songs..I don’t think I ever understood what some of them were supposed to be about (Began Quotes)
Since woodchipping began 32 years ago, Tasmanians have watched as one extraordinary place after another has been sacrificed. Beautiful places, holy places, lost not only to them, but forever. (Began Quotes)