Began Quotes

Text Quotes
When I was a teenager, I began to settle into school because I’d discovered the extracurricular activities that interested me: music and theater. (Began Quotes)
I had just come to accept that my life would be ordinary when extraordinary things began to happen (Began Quotes)
Vatican II and the Space/Information Age began in the same eye blink of history, with John XXIII’s opening speech of Vatican II on Oct. 11, 1962, following John F. Kennedy’s call for a round trip to the moon a month earlier. (Began Quotes)
My years with failing vision have prompted me to learn about the nature of the eye and the incredible gift of sight, which I had always taken for granted until it began to slip away. (Began Quotes)
He had first been excited by Facebook, ghosts of old friends suddenly morphing to life with wives and husbands and children, and photos trailed by comments. But he began to be appalled by the air of unreality, the careful manipulation of images to create a parallel life, pictures that people had taken with Facebook in mind, placing in the background the things of which they were proud. (Began Quotes)
...great feeling of enthusiasm..this human component began to fade away, leaving only that supernatural enthusisam which must always be at the root of our perseverance. (Began Quotes)
A Fair Maiden’ existed in notes and sketches for perhaps a year. When I traveled, I would take along with me my folder of notes - ‘ideas for stories.’ Eventually, I began to write it and wrote it fairly swiftly - in perhaps two months of fairly intense writing and rewriting. Most of my time writing is really re-writing. (Began Quotes)
As I grew up, I read and loved many fairy-tale retellings and began to think about writing my own reimagining of ‘Rapunzel.’ (Began Quotes)
When I was 13, I began relaxing my hair, and that meant when I turned 18 it began to crack and fall off, and when I began anchoring, I had short, stubbly pieces of hair. And trying to report in San Francisco with fog meant my hair swelled. (Began Quotes)
At first I thought my wife and I were made for each other. It was as if we came out of the same factory. I think we were made in the USA, because things quickly began falling apart. (Began Quotes)
The work-family divide is the biggest issue for American women. But in some ways it’s amazing how adjusted society has become to it. In the 1970s, as women began to take more jobs, society was reeling. (Began Quotes)
When I began working in Yahoo, my family moved with me. Despite our efforts, our kids wanted to study in Los Angeles, and I was forced to see my family and friends only on weekends. In the beginning I even enjoyed it, but knew that at some stage I’d want to go back home. (Began Quotes)
A house means a family house, a place specially meant for putting children and men in so as to restrict their waywardness and distract them from the longing for adventure and escape they’ve had since time began. (Began Quotes)
The Secret River’ began because, at the age of 50, I suddenly realised I knew nothing about how my own family had got its foothold in Australia. (Began Quotes)
I was very young, and I was on vacation with my family, and there was a retrospective of old films, and one of them was ‘The Phantom of the Opera’ with Claude Rains that was in color. It was something very important for my career because I began to follow these stories that were morbid. (Began Quotes)
When I first began visiting West Germany in the early 1980s, I was startled by the contrast between Birmingham, where I went to school, and affluent Cologne. My host family, the lovely Schumachers, always had an opulent array of grapes on the table; they were better dressed than anyone I knew in Britain. (Began Quotes)
He felt now that he was not simply close to her, but that he did not know where he ended and she began. (Began Quotes)
I began to realize that when people experience the love of God, it casts out their fear and frees them from guilt. (Began Quotes)
I distracted myself from the fear and terrorism by thinking about things like how the universe began and whether time travel is possible. (Began Quotes)
When fear has seized upon the mind, man fears that only which he first began to fear. [Lat., Ubi intravit animos pavor, id solum metuunt, quod primum formidate coeperunt.] (Began Quotes)
I began to ask two questions while I was reading a book that excited me: not only what was going to happen next, but how is this done? How is it that these words on the page make me feel the way I’m feeling? This is the line of inquiry that I think happens in a child’s mind, without him even knowing he has aspirations as a writer. (Began Quotes)
As I wrote I began to see more strongly that there were inescapable analogies. You couldn’t really live through the 80s without feeling how crass and distasteful some of the economic doctrines were. The slave trade is a perfect model for that kind of total devotion to the profit motive without reckoning the human consequences. (Began Quotes)
When I began writing in the mid-1960s, I thought it was not important for readers to know whether I was male or female. Also, I was a great admirer of E.B. White, so I may have thought that it would bring me luck to submit my first manuscript as ‘E.L.’ But if I were starting out today, I would use my first name. (Began Quotes)
We broke through the feminine mystique and women who were wives, mothers and housewives began to find themselves as people. That didn’t mean they stopped, or had to stop, being mothers, wives or even liking their homes. (Began Quotes)
I was 12. Our, teacher made us write an autobiography and I realised that I wasn’t very interesting. I began to make things up, and that’s when I thought maybe I was a writer, or at least a fiction writer. (Began Quotes)
I began writing fiction when I started running out of material in my own life (Began Quotes)
When I was fifteen years old, my dad won a video camera in a corporate golf tournament. I snatched it from his closet and began filming skateboard videos with my friends. (Began Quotes)
I found my father’s Super8mm film camera when I was around eight years old and started shooting with it. I had no idea what I was doing at the time, but that’s really where my filmmaking began. (Began Quotes)
I think Kurosawa was one of the first storytelling geniuses who began to change the narrative structure of films. (Began Quotes)
I began writing for theater, and maybe because of that I’ve always thought of myself as a theater writer who does work in film sometimes. (Began Quotes)