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Let’s pray for whole world that there be brotherhood. I hope this journey of the church we begin today is fruitful for evangelization  (Begin Quotes) A man who is really earnest must begin with himself, he must be passively aware of all his thoughts, feelings and actions  (Begin Quotes) If you can break the illusion that you are separate and begin to experience the oneness of the existence, that is yoga  (Begin Quotes) We should begin at the very root from which we spring, we should effect a radical reform in the character of the food  (Begin Quotes) I fall, I stand still... I trudge on. I gain a little... I get more eager and climb higher and begin to see the widening horizon. Every struggle is a victory  (Begin Quotes) Forgiveness is the grace by which you enable the other person to get up and get up with dignity, to begin anew  (Begin Quotes) We must slow down to a human tempo and we’ll begin to have time to listen  (Begin Quotes) If you want to be a voice for peace in the world, begin by making peace a permanent condition of your own life  (Begin Quotes) When we first begin fighting for our dreams, we have no experience and make many mistakes. The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and get up eight times  (Begin Quotes) Commit to paper precisely what you would like to have appear in your physical life. By seeing it and reading it repeatedly, you will plant that thought more firmly in your mind and you will begin to manifest that which you are imaging  (Begin Quotes) If you wanted to put the world to rights, who should you begin with: yourself or others?  (Begin Quotes) On the day that we do discover that we are not alone, our society may begin to evolve and transform in some incredible and wondrous new ways  (Begin Quotes) If people become accustomed to lying, they will unconsciously commit every possible wrong deed. Before they can act wickedly, they must lie and once they begin to lie they will act wickedly without concern  (Begin Quotes) First of all, begin to live out of the glory of your imagination, not your memory  (Begin Quotes) Let us this very day begin anew, and now say, with all our hearts, we will forsake our sins and be righteous  (Begin Quotes) What distracts us will begin to define us. We don’t need to swing at every pitch  (Begin Quotes) When we clean up after ourselves, we have nothing to blame. When we begin to live our lives in that way, cleaning up after ourselves, what is left is further vision and further openness, which leads to cleaning up the rest of the world  (Begin Quotes) Inner silence works from the moment you begin to accrue it. What the old sorcerers were after was the final dramatic, end result of reaching that individual threshold of silence  (Begin Quotes) A large number of people to begin crawling through those tunnels and caves looking for the bad folks  (Begin Quotes) When you arrive where you thought you wanted to be, you’ll just begin a new journey so enjoy each step along the way  (Begin Quotes) It is through wonder that men now begin and originally began to philosophize; wondering in the first place at obvious perplexities, and then by gradual progression raising questions about the greater matters too  (Begin Quotes) You will begin to realize that if you contemplate long enough on the leaf of the flower, that it involves the whole universe  (Begin Quotes) I have often said that a person who wishes to begin a good life should be like one who draws a circle. Let him or her get the center in the right place and keep it so and the circumference will be good  (Begin Quotes) My day’s work will begin again the next morning. The tomb is not a blind alley  (Begin Quotes) When poems stop talking about the moon and begin to mention poverty, trade unions, color, color lines and colonies, somebody tells the police  (Begin Quotes) To be a miracle worker you do not have to get a doctoral degree, become a minister, eat a particular food, or be able to meditate for long hours. All you need to do is to begin to see beauty in your life and those around you  (Begin Quotes) Security isn’t what the wise person looks for; it’s opportunity. And once we begin looking for that, we find it on every side. You can measure opportunity with the same yardstick that measures the risk involved. They go together  (Begin Quotes) As we begin to praise ourselves and our world, we begin to blossom in ways that are beautiful to behold  (Begin Quotes) Accept the fact that you’ll never get it all done, and begin to live more fully in the only moment you have... Now  (Begin Quotes) Each time I undertake to paint a picture I have a sensation of leaping into space. I never know whether I shall fall on my feet. It is only later that I begin to estimate more exactly the the effect of my work  (Begin Quotes)
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