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The real character of a person is revealed not in how they begin a relationship, but how they end one (Begin Quotes)
When people begin to philosophize they seem to think it necessary to make themselves artificially stupid (Begin Quotes)
Just because you start to get hurt the moment you begin to care, doesn’t mean you’ve to stop love, share and care (Begin Quotes)
Every story doesn’t have a happy ending, but then remember that some stories don’t even begin (Begin Quotes)
I spend so much time in my studio, which can be very dark, so it can begin to feel as if I’m a mole underground (Begin Quotes)
If you want to be a dear old lady at seventy you have to begin early, say about seventeen (Begin Quotes)
I think once you have films in certain festivals you begin to have name recognition, and there are possibilities (Begin Quotes)
You can only begin to understand, if you drop what you think you know, and see things for exactly what they are (Begin Quotes)
Beginning is hard, pressing forward harder, not trying. Not an option! To live your dream begin now! (Begin Quotes)
You will never understand how much you mean to me, because there is no amount of words that can begin to describe my feelings for you (Begin Quotes)
It’s funny how after an argument is over you begin to think about more clever things you should have said (Begin Quotes)
If honesty scares someone off, they weren’t all that invested in your life to begin with. Move on (Begin Quotes)
Next week I shall begin my operations on my hat, on which you know my principal hopes of happiness depend (Begin Quotes)
Sometimes mistakes must be made so wisdom can be earned. Sometimes you must overcome heartache so you can begin to follow your heart again (Begin Quotes)
I’m actively looking at pilots in the very limited pilot season that is about to begin. Lots of work for my clothing line which is extremely exciting (Begin Quotes)
A heart can only take so much pain, and although it won’t shut down, it will begin to shut out (Begin Quotes)
Before you begin a relationship with someone, make sure that your relationship with yourself is where it needs to be (Begin Quotes)
When married people begin to talk about their rights, it means something has gone pretty far wrong between them (Begin Quotes)
You must accept the end of something in order to begin to build something new (Begin Quotes)
Don’t hurt others. Coz when you do, they begin to love you less and begin to forget that they loved you once (Begin Quotes)
That awkward moment when you try to get over a girl who was never yours to begin with (Begin Quotes)
When you begin to value yourself, others will also. How you treat yourself teaches others how to treat you (Begin Quotes)
Gradual development of flight should begin with the simplest apparatus and movements, and without time complication of dynamic means (Begin Quotes)
If the German people lay down their arms the whole of Eastern and Southern Europe, together with the Reich, will come under Russian occupation. Behind an iron curtain mass butcheries of people would begin (Begin Quotes)
I often teach a graduate theater seminar on Greek tragedy in performance. I usually begin by saying that no matter what technological advances occur, the wisdom of these plays will never be obsolete (Begin Quotes)
The big rumor going around is, we may begin bombing Iraq. Or, as the White House calls it, Operation Keep Enron Off The Front Page (Begin Quotes)
Refuse all thoughts except one: the thought ‘I am’. The mind will rebel in the beginning, but with patience and perseverance it will yield and keep quiet. Once you are quiet, things will begin to happen spontaneously and quite naturally, without any interference on your part (Begin Quotes)
I get so much inspiration from my travels, but I also started an exercise where I write down so many words every week. Then I begin crossing them off. We create a grid of words and also images, but words for me are more ample because you can interpret them your own way (Begin Quotes)
Being a father can unreason your worldview, or at least make it very flexible, and that can create all sorts of fun and insights. Its sad that childrens open-eyed wonder and sense of play begin to fade as they approach adolescence. One grand function of fathering is to keep the fading to a minimum (Begin Quotes)
I like to begin every screenplay with a burst of delusional self-confidence. It tends to fade pretty quickly, but (for me, at least) there doesn’t seem to be any other way to start writing a script (Begin Quotes)