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One has to look out for engineers - they begin with sewing machines and end up with the atomic bomb. (Begin Quotes)
One has to watch out for engineers. They begin with the sewing machine and end up with the atomic bomb. (Begin Quotes)
Look your audience straight in the eyes, and begin to talk as if every one of them owed you money (Begin Quotes)
Autumn leaves shower like gold, like rainbows, as the winds of change begin to blow, signaling the later days of autumn. (Begin Quotes)
I’m an avid reader myself, and what any one reader accesses at any one time is very powerful and personal to them. Clearly you can’t even begin to touch that. A novel is a singular vision, and then a myriad of readers have their own experience of that. (Begin Quotes)
A sympathetic parent might see the spark of consciousness in a baby’s large eyes and eagerly accept the popular claim that babies are wonderful learners, but it is hard to avoid the impression that they begin as ignorant as bread loaves. (Begin Quotes)
The death of a 20-year-old woman is intuitively worse than that of a 2-month-old girl, even though the baby has had less life. The 20-year-old has a much more developed personality than the infant, and has drawn upon the investment of others to begin as-yet-unfulfilled projects. (Begin Quotes)
When we push life, life pushes back. When we let go, things begin to flow....direction unknown though ! (Begin Quotes)
Even in good families a bad apple can begin an avalanche of troubles,’ Dutch said as he sat back in his well-seasoned armchair, lighting his curved rustic pipe. From Book I, In Blood There is No Honor (Begin Quotes)
The first task of the doctor is ... political: the struggle against disease must begin with a war against bad government. Man will be totally and definitively cured only if he is first liberated... (Begin Quotes)
Almost all of our relationships begin and most of them continue as forms of mutual exploitation, a mental or physical barter, to be terminated when one or both parties run out of goods. (Begin Quotes)
If you wish to discuss strong faith, let’s begin with those shunned by other faiths as being the bad seed, and still wake up each morning with self-worth and purpose. That is strength in faith. (Begin Quotes)
We have to acknowledge that adolescence is that time of transition where we begin to introduce to children that life isn’t pretty, that there are difficult things, there are hard situations, it’s not fair. Bad things happen to good people. (Begin Quotes)
I didn’t want to spend the next thirty years writing about bad things happening in the same small town - not least of all because people would begin to wonder why anyone still lives there! (Begin Quotes)
You can’t get to a balanced budget and begin to pay down debt and thus create jobs in this country if you don’t have specific plans to make it work. (Begin Quotes)
In a shelter meant for battered women, there were only two reasons a person would decide to leave. One, she had decided to launch out on her own and begin a new life. Or two, she had decided to go back to someone who had hurt her. (Begin Quotes)
Take the first step, and your mind will mobilize all its forces to your aid. But the first essential is that you begin. Once the battle is startled, all that is within and without you will come to your assistance. (Begin Quotes)
Begin Practicing the Intention to be Authentic and Peaceful with Everyone (Begin Quotes)
If you can be kind and considerate for one day, then you can be for another. It won’t cost you a penny in the world. Begin today. (Begin Quotes)
To build a respectful, kind and loving relationship, begin by being respectful, kind and loving to yourself (Begin Quotes)
You really have to begin by figuring out what kind of person you are. The tip is to really take a look at yourself. (Begin Quotes)
Be merciful until you can’t be.Until you feel your heart begin to harden into a bullet.Then use that bullet. (Begin Quotes)
If contemporary artists sincerely seek to be original, unique, and new, they should begin by disregarding the notions of originality, individuality, and innovation: they are the cliches of our time. (Begin Quotes)
Congratulate yourself as a good beginner. Feel proud of God for choosing you to begin the work at hand. Accept the work freely and get started. Be grateful. (Begin Quotes)
To begin with, our perception of the world is deformed, incomplete. Then our memory is selective. (Begin Quotes)
Stanley Hauerwas is correct that Judaism insists on the bearing of children because it is essential to Jewish continuity. But to end the matter there is to miss an essential point: if we are to learn to love others, Judaism says, we must begin by loving those who are closest to us. (Begin Quotes)
I have reached zero tolerance for the cruelty against our animal brothers. If we are to nuture our culture, let’s begin with the animals who have been nothing but our beasts of burden for so long. (Begin Quotes)
I think a beautiful dress on the wrong woman could mean nothing. It has to be the right woman and the right clothes. That’s why you need that personal touch. I mean, that’s why I went into this business to begin with. (Begin Quotes)
The beautiful journey of today can only begin when we learn to let go of yesterday (Begin Quotes)
When you push against the boundaries of experience into the twilight of the unknown, the Lord will strengthen you. The beauty of your eternal soul will begin to unfold. (Begin Quotes)