Begins Quotes

Text Quotes
True health begins with your thoughts. Thinking about comfort, strength, flexibility and youthfulness attracts those qualities into your life and body. Dwelling on illness, fear, disease and pain does just the opposite. Your work is to notice and change your thoughts and move them in the direction of health and happiness (Begins Quotes)
If you keep focusing, gradually thoughts will become quieter and quieter, gradually the images will disappear from the mind. What is happening is the kundalini energy begins to radiate and rise, it causes the mind to be quiet (Begins Quotes)
When a young man begins to go down hill everything seems to be greased for the occasion (Begins Quotes)
The second stage of meditation begins when you can successfully stop thought for long periods of time. At this point you move beyond the awareness of this world (Begins Quotes)
When we dare to doubt what we are told and take a fresh look at what’s going on, we are in for lots of pleasant and fascinating and useful surprises. A new and more satisfying way of life begins to open up, just by noticing what we see (Begins Quotes)
Fiscal discipline begins by leveling with people, by being honest, by paying for all of your proposals (Begins Quotes)
You do a movie. However long it lasts, it begins and it ends in a relatively short period of time. In a given period of time, let’s say a year, you can have three, four, or five different experiences which is exciting (Begins Quotes)
When the individuality of the artist begins to express itself, what the artist gains in the way of liberty he loses in the way of order (Begins Quotes)
I sometimes begin a drawing with no preconceived problem to solve, with only the desire to use pencil on paper... but as my eye takes in what is so produced, a point arrives where some idea crystallizes, and then a control and ordering begins to take place (Begins Quotes)
If you pass something every day and it has a little character, it begins to intrigue you (Begins Quotes)
One begins to realize that art... in setting out to express nature with ever growing accuracy, teaches us to look, to perceive, to feel. The stone itself becomes an organic substance, and one can feel it being transformed as one moment in its life succeeds another (Begins Quotes)
The trouble begins when we start to be so impressed by the strategies of our systematized thought that we forget that it does relate to an obverse, that it is hewn from negation, that it is but very small security against the void of negation which surrounds it (Begins Quotes)
A necessary process for the artist is one which begins with a point of view, a reaction to the environment, to people, to whatever it is one is concerned with (Begins Quotes)
Intellect begins with the observation of nature, proceeds to memorize and classify the facts thus observed, and by logical deduction builds up that edifice of knowledge properly called science? But admittedly we also know by feeling, and we can combine the two faculties, and present knowledge in the guise of art (Begins Quotes)
Sensibility... is a direct and particular reaction to the separate and individual nature of things. It begins and ends with the sensuous apprehension of colour, texture and formal relations; and if we strive to organize these elements, it is not with the idea of increasing the knowledge of the mind, but rather in order to intensify the pleasure of the senses (Begins Quotes)
A time comes, after years in the trenches, when the artist begins to fathom what his career has looked like so far and what it will look like if he continues as he’s proceeded (Begins Quotes)
And yet, winning is like a welcome drink going down your throat, like a beautiful embrace. It is brilliant while it lasts but it isn’t forever. The high eventually melts away and the journey of life begins afresh. The truly remarkable among us visit these highs periodically; winning then becomes a journey, a graph where each point is crucial but is in reality merely part of a larger curve (Begins Quotes)
The best part about holiday parties is the alcohol. You have a couple of drinks and you tell your coworkers and your superiors what you really think about them. And then the fun begins (Begins Quotes)
The magic is as wide as a smile and as narrow as a wink, loud as laughter and quiet as a tear, tall as a tale and deep as emotion. So strong, it can lift the spirit. So gentle, it can touch the heart. It is the magic that begins the happily ever after (Begins Quotes)
When there are enough people on the land to use it but not enough to husband it, then the wildness of the soil that we call fertility begins to diminish, and the soil itself begins to flee from us in water and wind (Begins Quotes)
At its heart, all intellectual and emotional life is a conversation, and the conversation begins at birth (Begins Quotes)
I’m going to wait til the midnight hour, that’s when my love begins to shine (Begins Quotes)
In fact, a person always finds when he begins to practice meditation that all sorts of problems are brought out. Any hidden aspects of your personality are brought out into the open, for the simple reason that for the first time you are allowing yourself to see your state of mind as it is (Begins Quotes)
Abortion and contraception are inextricably intertwined in their use. As the idea of family planning spreads through a community there appears to be a rise in the incidence of induced abortion at the point where the community begins to initiate the use of contraceptives (Begins Quotes)
Every light has a point where it is brightest and a point toward which it wanders to lose itself completely. It must be intercepted to fulfill its mission; it cannot function in a void. Light can go straight, penetrate and turn back, be reflected and deflected, gathered and spread, bent as by a soap bubble, made to sparkle and be blocked. Where it is no more is blackness, and where it begins is the core of its brightness. The journey of rays from that central core to the outposts of blackness is the adventure and drama of light (Begins Quotes)
If you align your priorities in such a way that puts people first, everything begins to make more sense (Begins Quotes)
It turns out that the distance from head to hand, from wafting butterfly to entomological specimen, is achieved through regular practice. What begins as something like a dream will in fact stay a dream forever unless you have the tools and the discipline to bring it out (Begins Quotes)
Fulfilling our destiny and realizing our potential all begins in our mind. That’s why the devil tries to bombard our thinking (Begins Quotes)
The relative ease of most driving lures us into thinking we can get away with doing other things. Indeed, those other things, like listening to the radio, can help when driving itself is threatening to cause fatigue. But we buy into the myth of multitasking with little actual knowledge of how much we can really add in or, as with the television news, how much we are missing. As the inner life of the driver begins to come into focus, it is becoming clear not only that distraction is the single biggest problem on the road but that we have little concept of just how distracted we are (Begins Quotes)
When an artist begins to count strokes instead of regarding nature he is lost. This preoccupation with technique, at the expense of truth and sincerity, is the principal fault I find in much of the work of modern painters (Begins Quotes)