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Begrudging Quotes

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You live long enough, you lose enough people, you learn to appreciate the memories you have and stop begrudging the ones you never got to make  (Begrudging Quotes) Some people are consumed with thoughts and memories from their past. Their mourning, regretting, rehashing, and begrudging doom them to life imprisonment in their painful past  (Begrudging Quotes) I have four kids; three girls and a boy. The oldest girl is 13, and has her own social life now, so there’s a bit of begrudging cooperation there. It’s tough  (Begrudging Quotes) Begrudging others leads to disharmony. Without harmony there can be no happiness. Therefore, let go of grudges and restore harmony. In a harmonious world, happiness is possible  (Begrudging Quotes) In few men is it part of nature to respect a friend’s prosperity without begrudging him  (Begrudging Quotes) When you get right down to it, there’s something uniquely satisfying in being gripped by a great plot, in begrudging whatever real-world obligations might prevent you from finding out what happens next.  (Begrudging Quotes)