Begun Quotes

Text Quotes
He wrote his mother that he had begun to hate the sight of his typewriter (Begun Quotes)
We will not change in matters of policy until such time as dialogue has begun (Begun Quotes)
The man who has accomplished all that he thinks worthwhile has begun to die (Begun Quotes)
No great spiritual awakening has begun anywhere in the world apart from united prayer (Begun Quotes)
When you hit failure your workout has just begun (Begun Quotes)
He who has begun has half done. Dare to be wise -begin! (Begun Quotes)
It’s mighty funny. The end of time has just begun. (Begun Quotes)
Whatever is begun in anger ends in shame (Begun Quotes)
Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh? (Gal. 3:3) (Begun Quotes)
If all the months and all their days could be like June weather in New York, there would be paradise on earth. Often, in early June, momentous decisions are made, power waxes strong, quick wars are fought, and love affairs are begun and ended (Begun Quotes)
All rivers run full to the sea; those who are apart are brought together; the lost ones are redeemed; the dead come back to life; the perfectly blue days that have begun and ended in golden dimness continue, immobile and accessible; and, when all is perceived in such a way as to obviate time, justice becomes apparent not as something that will be, but something that is (Begun Quotes)
Turn away from the world this year and begin to listen. Listen to the whispers of your heart. Look within. Your silent companion has lit lanterns of love to illuminate the path to Wholeness. At long last, the journey you were destined to take has begun (Begun Quotes)
The labor of keeping house is labor in its most naked state, for labor is toil that never finishes, toil that has to be begun again the moment it is completed, toil that is destroyed and consumed by the life process (Begun Quotes)
When two people decide to get a divorce, it isn't a sign that they "don't understand" one another, but a sign that they have, at last, begun to (Begun Quotes)
We've begun to raise daughters more like sons. But few have the courage to raise our sons more like our daughters (Begun Quotes)
In a controversy, the instant we feel anger, we have already ceased striving for truth and have begun striving for ourselves (Begun Quotes)
When I was One, I had just begun. When I was Two, I was nearly new. When I was Three I was hardly me. When I was Four, I was not much more. When I was Five, I was just alive. But now I am Six, I'm as clever as clever, So I think I'll be six now for ever and ever (Begun Quotes)
So something had begun, and now she could not stop it. Twin threads ran through her: fear and excitement. She could leave this place today. She could start a new life somewhere else (Begun Quotes)
What had begun as a movement to free all black people from racist oppression became a movement with its primary goal the establishment of black male patriarchy (Begun Quotes)
For, even the preachers have begun to tell us that God is radium, or ether or some scientific compound, and that the worst we wicked ones may expect is a chemical reaction (Begun Quotes)
Him alone brings the joy unspeakable and full of glory. Oh, let each of us who has begun to taste the (Begun Quotes)
It is not beyond actual possibilities that men from outer space have landed (or will in the future land) on Earth and have begun to breed here for whatever reason they may have had (Begun Quotes)
We were eighteen and had begun to love life and the world; and we had to shoot it to pieces (Begun Quotes)
The modern story begun, one might say, with Edgar Allan Poe, which proceeds inexorably, like a machine destined to accomplish its mission with the maximum economy of means (Begun Quotes)
For the music to be over so soon. For the music to be over when it had just begun. That was really sad (Begun Quotes)
While man is growing, life is in decrease; and cradles rock us nearer to the tomb. Our birth is nothing but our death begun (Begun Quotes)
A Deity believed, is joy begun; a Deity adored, is joy advanced; a Deity beloved, is joy matured. Each branch of piety delight inspires (Begun Quotes)
The Gothic tradition was begun by Ann Radcliffe, a rare example of a woman creating an artistic style (Begun Quotes)
So scared of getting older I'm only good at being young So I play the numbers game to find a way to say that life has just begun (Begun Quotes)
Love is begun by time; and that I see in passages of proof, time qualifies the spark and fire of it. There lives within the very flame of love a kind of wick or snuff that will abate it (Begun Quotes)