Begun Quotes

Text Quotes
Therefore, when I considered this carefully, the contempt which I had to fear because of the novelty and apparent absurdity of my view, nearly induced me to abandon utterly the work I had begun (Begun Quotes)
I think I’ve begun to take for granted how easily information can swirl around me (Begun Quotes)
I feel like I have at least begun to make a contribution, but my most significant concern has to do with whether my actual art will be preserved for future generations or be erased (Begun Quotes)
I suspect that many corporations have begun to understand that they have an important role to play in the lives of their communities, and that allocating funds to support local groups helps them discharge that function and also burnish their image (Begun Quotes)
Although by 1851 tales of adventure had begun to seem antiquated, they had rendered a large service to the course of literature: they had removed the stigma, for the most part, from the word novel (Begun Quotes)
Women have begun to see that if I go through that doorway, I take everybody through it (Begun Quotes)
My work begun to spread out. And calls to the universities begun to take me out of my garden, you know (Begun Quotes)
Many of my books have begun with the title, because naming a work already in progress makes no sense to me (Begun Quotes)
I’ve just begun to dare to think I perhaps am a bit of an artist (Begun Quotes)
I can’t even say I’ve begun yet, but I’m trying on the idea that there is a book in my future (Begun Quotes)
When the mind has once begun to yield to the weakness of superstition, trifles impress it with the force of conviction (Begun Quotes)
I try to help people become the best possible editors of their own work, to help them become conscious of the things they do well, of the things they need to look at again, of the wells of material they have not even begun to dip their buckets into (Begun Quotes)
Of those that are drawn away, each is drawn elsewhere toward another: once more a man and a woman, in a loneliness they are not liable at that time to notice, are tightened together upon a bed: and another family has begun (Begun Quotes)
Kissing could have begun as a way of sniffing out who’s who. From a whiff to a kiss was just a short trip across the face (Begun Quotes)
In my life, there have been people that I was convinced would be around forever, and yet, somehow they managed to drift away after a couple of years. Likewise there have been people who have begun as casual acquaintances but become more important with each passing year (Begun Quotes)
... perhaps the clock hands had become so tired of going in the same direction year after year that they had suddenly begun to go the opposite way instead (Begun Quotes)
... for reading, once begun, quickly becomes home and circle and court and family, and indeed, without narrative, I felt exiled from my own country. By the transport of books, that which is most foreign becomes one’s familiar walks and avenues; while that which is most familiar is removed to delightful strangeness; and unmoving, one travels infinite causeways, immobile and thus unfettered (Begun Quotes)
She had begun to read in the beginning as a protection from the frightening and unpleasant things. She continued because, apart from the story, literature brought with it a kind of gentility for which she craved (Begun Quotes)
When I come out on the road of a morning, when I have had a night’s sleep and perhaps a breakfast, and the sun lights a hill on the distance, a hill I know I shall walk across an hour or two thence, and it is green and silken to my eye, and the clouds have begun their slow, fat rolling journey across the sky, no land in the world can inspire such love in a common man (Begun Quotes)
There comes a time in life when you know what you like and have to make up your mind to like what you know, or at least have begun to know. In other words, you must determine in what direction your knowledge is leading, thus far (Begun Quotes)
Quite quickly I grew less deranged. I had begun the process of calming down, assimilating and compromising, which is necessary to live comfortably in the world as it is, and probably is why its imbalance never changes. But underneath, my idea of life was completely altered (Begun Quotes)
Everyone runs around trying to find a place where they still serve breakfast because eating breakfast, even if it’s 5 o’clock in the afternoon, is a sign that the day has just begun and good things can still happen. Having lunch is like throwing in the towel (Begun Quotes)
I’ve begun to realize that you can listen to silence and learn from it. It has a quality and a dimension all its own (Begun Quotes)
... the men of the Ulysses had no need to stand in shame... many had found, or were finding, that the point of no return was not necessarily the edge of the precipice: it could be the bottom of the valley, the beginning of the long climb up the far slope, and when a man had once begun that climb he never looked back to that other side (Begun Quotes)
With knot of one, the spell’s begun. With knot of two, the spell be true. With knot of three, the spell is free. With knot of four, the power is stored. With knot of five, the spell with thrive. With knot of six, this spell I fix (Begun Quotes)
I’ve begun to think that we sit far more than we’re supposed to... Why else would we have feet? (Begun Quotes)
Memories I had locked away have begun to break free, like shards of ice fracturing off an arctic shelf. In sleep, these broken floes drift toward the morning light of remembrance (Begun Quotes)
My brain had begun to endure its familiar siege: panic and dislocation, and a sense that my thought processes were being engulfed by a toxic and unnameable tide that obliterated any enjoyable response to the living world (Begun Quotes)
If we watch ourselves honestly we shall often find that we have begun to argue against a new idea even before it has been completely stated (Begun Quotes)
If you find your life of prayer to be always so short, and so easy, and so spiritual, as to be without cost and strain and sweat to you, you may depend upon it, you have not yet begun to pray (Begun Quotes)