Being Different Quotes
Text Quotes
All through my life, I didn’t really consider my eyes at all, and then I became an actress. It’s great, I guess. They’re just in my face, and one is green and one is blue. It’s different, and I’m definitely a proponent of being different in any way you can in life, so I guess if you’re born a bit different that’s a good thing (Being Different Quotes)
Unfortunately, in some parts of the country, some kids are taught at an early age that being different is somehow bad or wrong or worthy of ridicule (Being Different Quotes)
I find that the very things that I get criticized for, which is usually being different and just doing my own thing and just being original, is the very thing that’s making me successful (Being Different Quotes)
When someone becomes successful or rich and famous, people perceive that person as being different. But I’m the same guy I’ve always been (Being Different Quotes)
I wanted to be heard myself, which is hard in a household of people who were very showy. It forced me to find myself and define a personality and a way of being different, and that’s a thing that’s going to help me to survive in a world of many people playing the guitar (Being Different Quotes)
Seeking is a combination of emotions people usually think of as being different: wanting something really good, looking forward to getting something really good and curiosity. Seeking gives you the energy to go after your goals (Being Different Quotes)
Being different is... interesting; there’s nothing implicitly inferior or superior about it. Great difference, of course, produces natural caution; and if the differences are too extreme... well, then, reality tends to fade away (Being Different Quotes)
People will always criticize. Stay upbeat and love yourself! There’s nothing wrong with being different (Being Different Quotes)
For the possibilities of being different from what one is are infinite. Once one has negated oneself, however, there are no longer any particular choices (Being Different Quotes)
What’s important is the tolerance. If people are not beating other people up, or shooting them for being different, then that’s progress. Even if the ideas that go through their head are fodder for novelists (Being Different Quotes)
It’s always about being yourself and not being ashamed of being different or thinking different (Being Different Quotes)
We must each learn to feel comfortable in our own uniqueness by rising above the fear of being wrong and the aversion to being different (Being Different Quotes)
If you don’t make yourself irreplaceable, somebody will replace you. Being different is being remembered. Being the same is being forgotten (Being Different Quotes)
A truly strong person does not need the approval of others any more than a lion needs the approval of sheep (Being Different Quotes)
We must not, in trying to think about how we can make a big difference, ignore the small daily differences we can make which, over time, add up to big differences that we often cannot foresee (Being Different Quotes)
With the pride of the artist, you must blow against the walls of every power that exists the small trumpet of your defiance (Being Different Quotes)
It is hard to accept being different, hard to have people avoid looking at you, and still believe in yourself (Being Different Quotes)
Judging oneself to be inferior to other people was one of the worst acts of pride because it was the most destructive way of being different (Being Different Quotes)
For being different, it’s easy. But to be unique, it’s a complicated thing (Being Different Quotes)
I would prove to you that being different isn’t a death sentence but a call to arms (Being Different Quotes)
Alan, you seem to think we won’t like you unless you do things just like everyone else. Have you ever thought we might like you because you’re different? (Being Different Quotes)
The fear of being different prevents most people from seeking new ways to solve their problems (Being Different Quotes)
Common sense means living in the world as it is today; but creative people are people who don’t want the world as it is today but want to make another world (Being Different Quotes)
Being different is a talent. You illuminate what makes you special in the sea of sameness around you (Being Different Quotes)
What if we could stop being different colors, different backgrounds, and just be in love? (Being Different Quotes)
I like having my cellphone. I like the Internet. I like being different (Being Different Quotes)
The panic of the Depression loosened my inhibitions against being different. I could be myself (Being Different Quotes)
In a world where everybody is fighting to fit in, being different is the only way to win (Being Different Quotes)
If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking (Being Different Quotes)
Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else (Being Different Quotes)