Being Distinct Quotes

Text Quotes
The only way you can be free is to know is that you are worthwhile as a distinct human being (Being Distinct Quotes)
Just like the front and the back of the hand, being and action are distinct yet inseparable (Being Distinct Quotes)
In a unified and diverse Spain, based on the equality of and solidarity between its people, there is room for all of us. And for all of our feelings and sensitivities and our distinct ways of being Spaniards. (Being Distinct Quotes)
There’s a distinct American culture that evolved from the United States founding, and that is what made America great, is what allowed the human being to become. (Being Distinct Quotes)
The dictionary says my identity should be all about being separate or distinct, and yet it feels like it is so wrapped up in others. (Being Distinct Quotes)
Number, place, and combination . . . the three intersecting but distinct spheres of thought to which all mathematical ideas admit of being referred. (Being Distinct Quotes)
By giving the public a rich and full melody, distinctly arranged and well played, all the time creating new tone colors and patterns, I feel we have a better chance of being successful. I want a kick to my band, but I don’t want the rhythm to hog the spotlight. (Being Distinct Quotes)
Everything that exists is information, and everything that is informative also exists. The infosphere is not a virtual space that is distinct from the real world. Rather, the world itself is increasingly being considered an information space and part of the infosphere. (Being Distinct Quotes)
When I first arrived in Houston, I was fascinated with the elaborate styles of cowboy boots and thought they were incredibly exotic. They also seemed to be a central part of a specifically ‘Texan’ identity, one distinct from being ‘American.’ (Being Distinct Quotes)
Good-humoured, unaffected girls, will not do for a man who has been used to sensible women. They are two distinct orders of being. (Being Distinct Quotes)
There is that great thing of D.C. being Hollywood for ugly people. There’s very distinct crossover behaviors. (Being Distinct Quotes)
Because two people in love don’t make a hive mind. Neither should they want to be a hive mind, to think the same, to know the same. It’s about being separate and still loving each other, being distinct from each other. One is the violin string one is the bow. (Being Distinct Quotes)
So often I’m like, No, thanks, to all of that stuff, just give me the room to exist both in the shit and stars . . . We have to fight to be understood as being distinct and incongruent. But I think it is worth fighting for. (Being Distinct Quotes)
Doth the Reality of sensible things consist in being perceived? or, is it something distinct from their being perceived, and that bears no relation to the mind? (Being Distinct Quotes)
Reading well makes children more interesting both to themselves and others, a process in which they will develop a sense of being separate and distinct selves (Being Distinct Quotes)
For me, each nuance of a color is in some way an individual, a being who is not only from the same race as the base color, but who definitely possesses a distinct character and personal soul (Being Distinct Quotes)
Because two people in love don’t make a hive mind. Neither should they want to be a hive mind, to think the same, to know the same. It’s about being separate and still loving each other, being distinct from each other. One is the violin string one is the bow (Being Distinct Quotes)