Being Equal Quotes

Text Quotes
Money differs from an automobile or mistress in being equally important to those who have it and those who do not (Being Equal Quotes)
Strength is an excellent example of a physical characteristic that drives improvement in other athletic parameters. More strength means more power, more endurance, better coordination, and better everything else. This is why, all other things being equal, the stronger athlete is the better athlete (Being Equal Quotes)
If we can’t have comedy books written about aspects of womanhood without going into a panic attack about it, then we haven’t got very far at being equal (Being Equal Quotes)
If a man had begun to hate an object of his love, so that love is thoroughly destroyed, he will, causes being equal, regard it with more hatred than if he had never loved it, and his hatred will be in proportion to the strength of his former love (Being Equal Quotes)
Don’t ever underestimate the importance of money. I know it’s often been said that money won’t make you happy and this is undeniably true, but everything else being equal, it’s a lovely thing to have around the house (Being Equal Quotes)
All things else being equal, our prayers are only as powerful as our lives. In the long pull we only pray as well as we live (Being Equal Quotes)
Even in the business of corporations honesty is the best policy, and the companies that have acted in accordance with the highest standard, other things being equal, have reaped the richest harvest (Being Equal Quotes)
I would sort out all the arguments and see which belonged to fear and which to creativeness. Other things being equal, I would make the decision which had the larger number of creative reasons on its side (Being Equal Quotes)
All things being equal, if we could simulate the same scenario, he has a lot more difficult task. He’s elected to swim six individual events, as opposed to what I elected to do, which was four (Being Equal Quotes)
Other things being equal, the value of a book, and especially of an author’s whole work, is proportional to its range, that is to the breadth and variety of the life and characters which it presents (Being Equal Quotes)
There should be, methinks, as little merit in loving a woman for her beauty as in loving a man for his prosperity; both being equally subject to change (Being Equal Quotes)
I think I benefited from being equal parts ambitious and curious. And of the two, curiosity has served me best (Being Equal Quotes)
The person who is capable of producing a large number of ideas per unit of time, other things being equal, has a greater chance of having significant ideas (Being Equal Quotes)
Children of polygamists besides being equally as bright and brighter intellectually, are much more healthy and strong (Being Equal Quotes)
Success surely comes with conscience in the long run, other things being equal. Capacity and fidelity are commercially profitable qualities (Being Equal Quotes)
No soul or locale is too humble to be the site of entertaining and instructive fiction. Indeed, all other things being equal, the rich and glamorous are less fertile ground than the poor and plain, and the dusty corners of the world more interesting than its glittering, already sufficiently publicized centers (Being Equal Quotes)