Being Single Quotes

Text Quotes
My sex life is like a Ferrari. I don't have a Ferrari (Being Single Quotes)
This summarizes my love life. I’m the guy in blue (Being Single Quotes)
Why I love being single who cares I’m awesome (Being Single Quotes)
Consider yourself invited and a third wheel (Being Single Quotes)
Being single doesn't mean you're not good enough to be with the right person, you're just too good to be with the wrong one (Being Single Quotes)
Single doesn't always mean you're available (Being Single Quotes)
If you can’t be happy being single how do you expect to be happy being in a relationship? (Being Single Quotes)
7 billion people. And I'm single (Being Single Quotes)
There are millions of fish in the sea.... but I'm a mermaid (Being Single Quotes)
Doesn't anybody want me? (Being Single Quotes)
Gay? No. Single, yes (Being Single Quotes)
Whatever. I'll just date myself (Being Single Quotes)
I’m single if you’re single (Being Single Quotes)
When I’m single. 10 seconds after getting a girlfriend (Being Single Quotes)
I'm not a girl, that thinks a guy is the answer. I'm just tired of being alone (Being Single Quotes)
Marriage may often be a stormy lake, but celibacy is almost always a muddy horse pond (Being Single Quotes)
We act like a couple, but I don't get why we aren't together yet (Being Single Quotes)
Who needs a boyfriend when there is the internet and pizza (Being Single Quotes)
I'm single, but I know exactly who I want (Being Single Quotes)
Yes, I'm single. No, I'm not available (Being Single Quotes)
Over 68,000 single women starve to death each year (Being Single Quotes)
Couch as a single. Couch with a Girlfriend (Being Single Quotes)
Single is an opportunity to live life on your own terms and not apologize (Being Single Quotes)
It’s better to be healthy alone than sick with someone else (Being Single Quotes)
I have a boyfriend. Oh wait. No, that’s a fridge. I have a fridge (Being Single Quotes)
Status single. Heart taken (Being Single Quotes)
Being single is definitely better than being with the wrong person (Being Single Quotes)
Being single also sucks sometimes because you’re single (Being Single Quotes)
I think being gay is a blessing, and it’s something I am thankful for every single day (Being Single Quotes)
I admire my mother for being a single mum. It’s ridiculously hard. (Being Single Quotes)