Believe In Quotes

Text Quotes
I don’t believe in an afterlife, but I’m taking an extra pair of underwear just in case (Believe In Quotes)
Fear and faith have something in common. They both ask us to believe in something we cannot see (Believe In Quotes)
To believe in immortality is one thing, but it is first needful to believe in life (Believe In Quotes)
I really don’t believe in abortion. It’s like killing a baby (Believe In Quotes)
If you don’t believe in magic, then you can’t believe in reality (Believe In Quotes)
People never believe in volcanoes until the lava actually overtakes them (Believe In Quotes)
Always, always, always believe in yourself, because if you don’t, then who will, sweetie? (Believe In Quotes)
I didn’t believe in reincarnation in my past life, and I still don’t (Believe In Quotes)
I am a man of peace. I believe in peace. But I do not want peace at any price (Believe In Quotes)
It’s impossible for a white person to believe in capitalism and not believe in racism (Believe In Quotes)
When you believe in things that you don’t understand, then you suffer (Believe In Quotes)
I don’t believe in sort of holding back, you know, life isn’t a dress rehearsal! (Believe In Quotes)
I believe in the power of music. To me, it isn’t just a fad. This is a positive thing (Believe In Quotes)
Do I believe in ghosts? I believe in the ghosts that haunt the human mind (Believe In Quotes)
I believe in nothing that I cannot touch, kiss, embrace... The rest is only hearsay (Believe In Quotes)
As to religion a moderate stock will satisfy me. She must believe in God and hate a saint (Believe In Quotes)
I believe in the kindness of strangers. And when I’m at war with myself I ride, I just ride (Believe In Quotes)
What the whole community comes to believe in grasps the individual as in a vise (Believe In Quotes)
The endeavor to change universal power by selfish supplication I do not believe in (Believe In Quotes)
I don’t believe in anything and that makes me stronger than you think (Believe In Quotes)
If you believe in what you are doing, then let nothing hold you up in your work (Believe In Quotes)
Believe in your dreams and dream big. And then after you’ve done that, dream bigger (Believe In Quotes)
I believe in sharing the road with other drivers. They can have the part behind me (Believe In Quotes)
I’ve noticed that even people who believe in fate look both ways before crossing the street (Believe In Quotes)
One possible reason that I don’t believe in fate is that I wasn’t fated to (Believe In Quotes)
Faith and fear both demand you believe in something you cannot see. You choose (Believe In Quotes)
I know people who believe in ghosts but don’t believe in themselves (Believe In Quotes)
You need to believe in things that aren’t true. How else can they become? (Believe In Quotes)
Know and believe in yourself and what others think won’t disturb you (Believe In Quotes)
I don’t give up because I don’t give up. I don’t believe in it (Believe In Quotes)