Believe In Quotes

Text Quotes
My question is, do you believe in an evil possessed of its own purity? or does every act intend some good? (Believe In Quotes)
It was the essence of life to disbelieve in death for one’s self, to act as if life would continue forever. And life had to act also as if little issues were big ones. To take a realistic attitude toward life and death meant that one lapsed into unreality. Into insanity. It was ironic that the only way to keep one’s sanity was to ignore that one was in an insane world or to act as if the world were sane (Believe In Quotes)
I believe in me, in my view of the world. I believe in my responsibility for my own destiny, guilt for my own sins, merit for my own good deeds, determination of my own life. I don’t believe in miracles, I believe in hard work (Believe In Quotes)
By not asking too much, you can believe in almost anything.. like.. a starry night in the mountains, or even the existence of fate (Believe In Quotes)
It is better to believe in men too rashly, and regret, than believe too meanly. Men could be more than they are, if they would try for it. He has shown them that (Believe In Quotes)
Truth was, if you were going to believe something, it was best to believe in stuff that made the world seem a more interesting place (Believe In Quotes)
A novel is not moral in the usual sense of the word. It can be called moral when it shakes us out of our stupor and makes us confront the absolutes we believe in (Believe In Quotes)
The power of one is above all things the power to believe in yourself, ofen well beyond any latent ability you may have previously demonstrated. The mind is the athlete, the body is simply the means it uses to run faster or longer, jump higher, shoot straighter, kick better, swim harder, hit further, or box better (Believe In Quotes)
I believe in walking out of a museum before the paintings you’ve seen begin to run together. How else can you carry anything away with you in your mind’s eye? (Believe In Quotes)
I used to use business to make money. But I’ve learned that business is a tool. You can use it to support what you believe in (Believe In Quotes)
I believe in black holes. I believe that as the universe empties into nothingness, past and future will smack together in the last swirl around the drain (Believe In Quotes)
I believe in our side and theirs, with the good and evil decided after the fact, by those who survive. Among men you seldom find the good with one standard and the shadow with another (Believe In Quotes)
That’s what came from having romance in your soul. You believe in things like love at first sight and perfect presents (Believe In Quotes)
A baby was a fact. It was a being with a mind and a nature, and you could feel about it any way you liked, but a baby wouldn’t care. Just by existing, it demanded that you believe in a future: the future it would crawl in, walk in, live in. A baby was a piece of time; it was a promise you made that the world made back to you (Believe In Quotes)
Good is towing the line, being behaved, being quiet, being passive, fitting in, being liked, and great is being messy, having a belly, speaking your mind, standing up for what you believe in, fighting for another paradigm, not letting people talk you out of what you know to be true (Believe In Quotes)
Sometimes if you want something badly enough, you can make it happen. If you miss someone so desperately that it wrecks your insides, you say their name over and over until you conjure then. It’s called sympathetic magic and you just have to believe in it to make it work (Believe In Quotes)
I have always been a reader; I have read at every stage of my life and there has never been a time when reading was not my greatest joy. And yet I cannot pretend that the reading I have done in my adult years matches in its impact on my soul the reading I did as a child. I still believe in stories. I still forget myself when I am in the middle of a good book. Yet it is not the same (Believe In Quotes)
It’s ironic that as scientists that don’t believe in God, were the ones that are closest to God (Believe In Quotes)
I believe in the future resolution of these two states, dream and reality, which are seemingly so contradictory, into a kind of absolute reality, a surreality, if one may so speak (Believe In Quotes)
Whenever you’re unsure of yourself, whenever you’re in doubt, ask yourself three questions. What do you believe in? What do you hope for? but most important, ask yourself, what do you love? (Believe In Quotes)
We had stretched out our arms to each other and supported something in our joined hands, but this thing we were holding was like a sort of gas that exists when you believe in its existence and disappears when you doubt. The task of supporting it seems simple at first glance, but actually requires an ultimate refinement of calculation and a consummate skill (Believe In Quotes)
I believe in fate and I believe that things happen for a reason but I don’t think that there’s a high power, necessarily. I believe in karma very much though (Believe In Quotes)
They tried to believe in their classmates. They must have believed that if we could all get together, then we might end up being saved. We should commend them for that. We couldn’t do that (Believe In Quotes)
As you know, I don’t believe in fear, just an invention by men so they get all the money and good jobs (Believe In Quotes)
If I’m away from you for more than an hour, I can’t stop thinking about you. I carry you in my spirit. I pray for you more than I pray for myself... I know you don’t believe in fairy tales. But, if you did, I’d want to be your knight in shining armor. You’ve been through so much. I don’t want to see you hurt anymore. Now I may not be able to give you all that your used to. But I do know I can love you past your pain (Believe In Quotes)
To engage in a battle, one must know oneself, believe in oneself, and overcome one’s own obstacle (Believe In Quotes)
Every man gives his life for what he believes. Every woman gives her life for what she believes. Sometimes people believe in little or nothing, and so they give their lives to little or nothing. One life is all we have, and we live it as we believe in living it…and then it’s gone. But to surrender who you are and to live without belief is more terrible than dying – even more terrible than dying young (Believe In Quotes)
I still don’t know if things fit together, or if everything will be all right in the end. But I believe that something means something. I believe in cleansing the soul through fun and games. I also believe in love. And I have several good friends, and just one bad one (Believe In Quotes)
When it comes to believing in yourself, put your eye on the mark and don’t blink. If you have a goal, a dream, or an aspiration…believe in yourself while you are on the way to your destination, and you will have already arrived (Believe In Quotes)
I think everything in life is art. What you do. How you dress. The way you love someone, and how you talk. Your smile and your personality. What you believe in, and all your dreams. The way you drink your tea. How you decorate your home. Or party. Your grocery list. The food you make. How your writing looks. And the way you feel. Life is art (Believe In Quotes)