Believe In Quotes

Text Quotes
For a fledging democratic system to succeed, we need citizens who understand the procedures, believe in democratic rules and get personally involved (Believe In Quotes)
Since so many romantic comedies vary little in their storyline, the success or failure of such movies depends largely on whether we believe in the relationship of the protagonists (Believe In Quotes)
I just don’t believe that you can’t make anything happen. I think if something’s good and you believe in it, and you care about it, and you give it love and nurture it, it’s going to happen (Believe In Quotes)
I am an organization person, I believe in individuals banding together. I don’t believe in unilateral actions. Some people don’t like organizations. But it is always awesome to me when you can pool a lot of talent and a lot of people who have so many talents. That is when you really can make your program move (Believe In Quotes)
Gays being gay is wrong. Two women can’t produce a baby, two men can’t produce a baby, so it’s not how it’s supposed to be... I don’t believe in gay marriages. I don’t believe in being gay (Believe In Quotes)
You have to believe in yourself. And you have to, down deep within the bottom of your soul, feel that you can do the job that you’ve set out to do (Believe In Quotes)
I am an atheist, I have no religious beliefs. And obviously I don’t believe in spirituality of some kind (Believe In Quotes)
Everyone focuses on the earthly state, but how cool might death be? I believe in spiritual rebirth, and I can’t wait to experience that (Believe In Quotes)
Women, who are the prime victims of religion, and perhaps in some, stockholm syndrome effect, often form the most fervent advocates of the very thing that degrades them. I believe that in the end, it will be women who will turn this around. This should be the final stage of feminism. For a feminist to still believe in God is like a freed slave still living on the plantation (Believe In Quotes)
If you believe in practising generosity of spirit, at heart you believe in the power of an individual to make a difference and at heart you treat individuals with deep respect and want to see others flourish (Believe In Quotes)
The students who work with me believe in science in service of society, not science in service of career building (Believe In Quotes)
No logo, and you don’t advertise for anyone. I don’t believe in imposed luxury. I believe in built luxury. Something you refine with your own taste. Mass luxury is not my luxury (Believe In Quotes)
Do the things you believe in, in the name of love. And know that, you aren’t alone. We all have doubts and fears (Believe In Quotes)
It’s so important to believe in yourself. Believe that you can do it, under any circumstances. Because if you believe you can, then you really will. That belief just keeps you searching for the answers, and then pretty soon you get it (Believe In Quotes)
A lot of people don’t believe in what they are doing. They just want the crowd to scream for them (Believe In Quotes)
I taught you to take the first step: to learn to believe in belief. And one day you will take the second step and find what is it you believe in (Believe In Quotes)
Believe in your dreams and ideals and pursue them with determination and motivation. Always find the time to do something for other people. Indeed, there is nothing more rewarding than making someone else happy (Believe In Quotes)
I believe in the law of attraction... I believe you can speak things into existence. When you know where you’re going and you know what you want, the universe has a way of stepping aside for you (Believe In Quotes)
Welcome to those who believe in the power of dreams and who would like to join me in my exploration of life (Believe In Quotes)
Who knows the origin of religion? Certainly not the one who believes in it. Understanding and belief are quite antagonistic. The man who understands religion does not believe in it, the man who believes in it does not understand it (Believe In Quotes)
I believe in discovering the love that exists and then trying to understand it. Not to invent a love and try to make it exist, but to find what does exist, and then to see what it is (Believe In Quotes)
I think that we as a people are always prone to think about, well, tomorrow will be a better day. Well, why will it be a better day? And I think the more that we believe in doing things better, doing the right thing rather than hoping that that’s going to happen, let’s make it happen (Believe In Quotes)
Think for yourself, and believe in yourself. Keep your skeptical antennae tuned in and in good working order at all times. We are free to develop our own hypotheses, which should be based in available evidence. When it comes to faith, have faith in yourself. And don’t forget to love, laugh, be kind to each other. Don’t take things so seriously, especially yourself. If the universe is a cosmic joke, remember to giggle. And remember to be astonished (Believe In Quotes)
I still believe in stories. I still forget myself when I am in the middle of a good book. Books are for me, it must be said, the most important thing (Believe In Quotes)
I believe in mysticism, with an interior goal, and you are your own temple and your own priest. I don’t believe anymore in religions, because you see today there are religious wars, prejudice, false morals, and the woman is despised. Religion is too old now; its from another century, its not for today (Believe In Quotes)
We believe in taking down the barriers, but we also believe in the most energetic reconciliation among peoples by getting them to know each other, talk each other’s languages, understand each other’s fears and beliefs, getting to know each other physically, philosophically, and spiritually. It is much harder to kill your near neighbor than the thousands of unknown and hostile aliens at the other end of a nuclear missile. We have to create a world in which there are no unknown, hostile aliens at the other end of any missiles (Believe In Quotes)
I believe the root of all happiness on this earth to lie in the realization of a spiritual life with a consciousness of something wider than materialism; in the capacity to live in a world that makes you unselfish because you are not overanxious about your own comic fallibilities; that gives you tranquility without complacency because you believe in something so much larger than yourself (Believe In Quotes)
One of the great challenges you will face is that a part of the world, and some in it, do not have or do not believe in a standard of moral values. Many in the world today operate on the basis of practical expediency. You have undoubtedly observed this yourselves. It has become a philosophy of life for many. This is true among nations as well as among individuals (Believe In Quotes)
You may wonder why a question of manners has got me so exercised. It’s because I believe in a simple rule. If you see a person you know behave unreasonably to someone else, you can bet your last pound that before long he’ll be behaving like that to you (Believe In Quotes)
I will not let a political party tell me how to live, when to die or what to believe in. Our souls are linked to the universe, but we can never see heaven, because our flesh ties us to the earth and the people around us. But when the people around you have lost their will to be free, then earth becomes a hell (Believe In Quotes)