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Believe Quotes

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I believe in people living their lives and having privacy  (Believe Quotes) If you believe in the project, you have to support it  (Believe Quotes) I will always believe our nation’s best days lie ahead  (Believe Quotes) I believe I’m growing skeptical of cynicism  (Believe Quotes) I do believe that actions often speak louder than words  (Believe Quotes) I believe one should be a woman at home  (Believe Quotes) I believe acting truly is harnessing the power of belief  (Believe Quotes) To succeed, you must believe. When you believe, you will succeed  (Believe Quotes) I believe people are much more complicated than they can handle  (Believe Quotes) I strongly believe that each preventable death is one death too many  (Believe Quotes) We don’t believe we are too sexy for our hair  (Believe Quotes) I am only capable of what I allow myself to believe I can do  (Believe Quotes) I believe in raising the minimum wage and equal pay for work  (Believe Quotes) I want so much to believe in true love  (Believe Quotes) I believe in the synergy and sharing platforms  (Believe Quotes) I really believe you get what you’re supposed to get  (Believe Quotes) I do not believe that the truth can ever be in conflict with God  (Believe Quotes) I really believe that you never stop learning  (Believe Quotes) My problem is I’m peaceful, and I believe in the people  (Believe Quotes) For me, I believe in God, God is real  (Believe Quotes) I’m a New Yorker. I don’t believe in air unless I can see it  (Believe Quotes) Apply the ABC’s of success to your life. Ask, Believe and Claim It  (Believe Quotes) I believe in singing  (Believe Quotes) I believe in the magic and authority of words  (Believe Quotes) If you do not believe in yourself... Chances are nobody else will  (Believe Quotes) I believe all suffering is caused by ignorance  (Believe Quotes) I don’t know if I believe in luck. I think I’m very fortunate  (Believe Quotes) I am one to believe that life starts at the moment of conception  (Believe Quotes) I would take my dog to work but I don’t believe in animal cruelty  (Believe Quotes) I believe people work for satisfaction  (Believe Quotes)
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